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GALUPPI, Baldassare - Skladatelé

   Nalezeno titulů: 6

Skladatel: GALUPPI, Baldassare ((1706-1785))
GALUPPI, Baldassare Jeho/jej hudba:
(Submitted by Ross McKitrick, Vancouver <rmckit
Born on the Island of Burano in Venice and nicknamed "Il Buranello". His first opera was staged at age 16, and though it flopped it caught the attention of Lotti who took him on as a pupil. He worked most of his life in Venice except for invited stays at the Court of Catherine II in St Petersburgh and as an opera composer in London. Together with librettist Carlo Goldoni he wrote over 100 operas which were widely performed and very popular. His work in opera was devoted chiefly to the development of the buffa style. He was appointed choirmaster at the Incurabili and at St Mark's, and he composed numerous sacred choral works including oratorios, motets, masses and settings of liturgical texts. His instrumental works consists of several dozen keyboard sonatas (which were influential in the development of the form), trios and concertos for various instruments, as well as a set of concerti grossi which for a long time were misattributed to Corelli. His music unfortunately went out of fashion soon after his death

(contributed by Dany Yazbeck and Simona Gilardi <yazbeck
Galuppi's complete concerti a quattro have been recorded under the Stradivarius label.
STR 33316 by Quartetto Aglaia 1993 (String Quartet). The recording has been reviewed very favourably by 'Repertoire' May 94 (France); 'Musica viva' May/June 94 (Italy); 'Musica' June 94 (Italy); 'Amadeus' March 94 (Italy).
It comprehends the complete Concerti a Quattro:

Concerto in B Flat major
Concerto in c minor
Concerto in A major
Concerto in D major
Concerto in g minor
Concerto in E flat major
Concerto in G major

Divine Art will soon be issuing the first CD in a 10 CD series, containing the complete keyboard sonatas of GALUPPI. Divine Art CD 2-5007, to be issued in late September. http://members.aol.com/DivineArts/

Vyacheslav Nedosekin, bayan - New Baroque

Vyacheslav Nedosekin, bayan - New Baroque
ID: ART302
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Accordion

Vyacheslav Nedosekin - bayan (accordion)(1-18) Denis Kozminykh - saxophone (15-18)
17.00 eur Buy

THE CLARINET - Historical Recordings - Volume 2

THE CLARINET - Historical Recordings - Volume 2
ID: CC0010
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Music for Clarinet

In the second volume of the well-received series of historical clarinet recordings there are some rare and some well-known gems.

Full listing
La Garde Republicaine: Weber - Concertino
Frederick Thurston: Philip Browne - A Truro Maggot; Charles Lloyd - Gigue; Boldassare Galuppi arr Harold Craxton - Sonata in A minor Op.1 No.3 Largo; Sonata in C major Op.1 No.1 Allegro-Giocoso
Reginald Kell: Schubert - Der Hirt auf dem Felsen
Philip Dreisbach: Spohr - Concerto No.2 Adagio; Mozart - Clarinet Concerto KV622 Adagio
Rene Verney: Graffeuil - Fignolette
Louis Cahuzac: Magani - Mazurka-Caprice
Benny Goodman: Debussy - Premiere Rapsodie
Phil Cardew: Khachaturian - Trio (1st Movt)
Auguste Perier: Bournonville - Fantasie-Impromptu
Prof. Cicotti: Donizetti - Concerto-Maria Padilla
Paolo del Pistoia: Mozart - Quintet KV581 Larghetto
Charles Draper: Brahms - Quintet Op.115 Allegro & Adagio-piu lento. Payne/Bishop: Variations on Home Sweet Home.

Reginald Kell, Benny Goodman, Charles Draper etc. (all clarinet)
15.00 eur Buy

Musiche Veneziane - Baldassare Galuppi - PASSTEMPO AL CEMBALO

Musiche Veneziane - Baldassare Galuppi - PASSTEMPO AL CEMBALO
ID: CLAVES500603
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Instrumental

16.00 eur Buy

Italienische Orgelmeister - Fiorella Benetti Brazzale

Italienische Orgelmeister - Fiorella Benetti  Brazzale
ID: IFO00053
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Organ CollectionPodkolekce: Organ

21.00 eur Buy

Italian Harpsichordists in 18th century - Vladimir Radchenkov, harpsichord - Vol. 1

Italian Harpsichordists in 18th century - Vladimir Radchenkov, harpsichord - Vol. 1
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Chamber MusicPodkolekce: Harpsichord

15.00 eur Buy

Galuppi - Seven Harpsichord Sonatas - Vladimir Radchenkov. Vol. 3

Galuppi - Seven Harpsichord Sonatas - Vladimir Radchenkov. Vol. 3
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: BaroquePodkolekce: Harpsichord

15.00 eur Buy

Zákazník: neřihlášen

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