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Chamber Ensemble of the Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra - Uskupení

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Georgy Sviridov - The Blizzard and Pushkin’s Garland

Georgy Sviridov - The Blizzard and Pushkin’s Garland
ID: MELCD1002202
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Vocal CollectionPodkolekce: Choir and Orchestra

For the 15th anniversary of the death of the outstanding Russian composer Georgy Sviridov, Firma Melodiya presents an album of his best known works from different years.

His creative work was uncommon for 20th century music - he found his style remained inside the classical tradition without breaking it. No matter what he composed for - voice, choir or orchestra - his music went straight to the heart, evoking a sensitive listener’s keen response, be it a sophisticated music lover or a dilettante.

Sviridov’s music revives and continues the best aspects of the Russian music tradition. It is no mere chance that his best known compositions are linked with the name of Alexander Pushkin. These are the ones featured on this album.

The score to the motion picture The Blizzard, after Pushkin’s novel, was composed in 1964. It has outlived the film, becoming a self-sufficient and incredibly popular symphonic piece. Pushkin’s Garland for soloists, choir and instrumental ensemble became the composer’s offering for the poet’s 180th anniversary. This choir cycle opened a new page in Sviridov’s creative path, anticipating his late vocal opuses.

Sviridov's works are performed by the Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Vladimir Fedoseyev, a recognized interpreter of the composer’s music, and the remarkable Moscow Chamber Choir under Vladimir Minin.

Pushkin's Garland - concerto for chorus
A. Vedernikov & N. Gerasimova

The Moscow Chamber Choir & The Chamber Ensemble of the Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir Minin

Snow-Storm, 9 orchestral illustrations after Pushkin's story
The Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir Fedoseyev
16.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Zákazník: neřihlášen

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