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LECLAIR, Jean-Marie - Komponisten

   Titels gefunden: 6

Komponist: LECLAIR, Jean-Marie ((1697-1764))
LECLAIR, Jean-Marie

Trattenimento d'Organo

Trattenimento d'Organo
ID: BAR2013-06
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subkolektion: Organ

Musiche di Mascitti, Fenaroli, Leclair, Cotumacci
Ensemble Labirinto Armonico
Pierluigi Mencattini violino barocco
Giovanni Rota violino barocco
Giovanni La Marca viola da gamba
Walter D’Arcangelo organo positivo
15.00 eur Buy

JEAN-MARIE LECLAIR - Six sonatas for Two Violas, Op.12 - Dimitar Penkov & Johannes Flieder

JEAN-MARIE LECLAIR - Six sonatas for Two Violas, Op.12 - Dimitar Penkov & Johannes Flieder
ID: GD212
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: InstrumentalSubkolektion: Viola

The CD includes the sonatas for two violas by the French composer Jean-Marie Leclair. It reveals the wealth and the unique beauty of the viola art from the age of the French Classicism. As it happened often during this period, Leclair began his artistic career as a ballet-dancer in France and Italy. Simultaneously with the dance he practised the violin and became a famous violinist, member of the Royal String Orchestra and author of a number of compositions for stringed instruments. The recorded 6 sonatas were created in the late 1740s in Paris. They are magnificent works which give a right idea of the development of the performing art of the above-mentioned period and impress with their melodic inventiveness and virtuosity. Composed as a three- or four-movement sonata cycle, they combine features of the Baroque polyphonic way of thinking with exquisite interweaving of the voices and distinctly expressed harmonic texture. The specific steadiness and contrast, characteristic of the Classicism, have a particularly great emotional impact on the audience. The music radiates calmness and attracts not only with its melodiousness but with its elegance too. The performance of the violists Johannes Flieder (violist-soloist since 1980 of the Viennese symphonic orchestra) and the Bulgarian Dimitar Penkov (who in 1983 settled in Hannover and gives concerts throughout Europe) without doubt is an example for interpreting this kind of music. The two musicians play on splendid instruments made by great masters. Violists of highest level, Flieder and Penkov have penetrated deep into the style and content of the compositions. They achieve complete creative synchrony and lead their parts skillfully transforming them into garlands of melodies, which radiate a true esthetic pleasure.
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Romances songs paroles ... - Daniel Roth, organ - Vincent Roth, viola

Romances songs paroles ... - Daniel Roth, organ - Vincent Roth, viola
ID: IFO07002
CDs: 2
Type: CD
Subkolektion: Organ

Daniel Roth (Cavaillé-Coll-Orgel St. Bernhard, Mainz-Bretzenheim)
Vincent Roth (Viola)
25.00 eur Buy

David Oistrakh Plays Violin Works by Vivaldi: Concertos RV 551, 514 / Leclair: Violin Sonata, Op. 9 No. 3 / Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante, K.364

David Oistrakh Plays Violin Works by Vivaldi: Concertos RV 551, 514 / Leclair: Violin Sonata, Op. 9 No. 3 / Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante, K.364
ID: RCD16486
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Russische ViolineschuleSubkolektion: Violin, Piano and Orchestra

(1- 3) - Live recording in 1959
(4- 6) - Live recording in 1961
(7- 10) - Live recording in 1951
(11 - 13) - Recording in 1960

(1 - 3) - David Oistrakh, violin I. / Yehudi Menuhin, violin II. / Arthur Grumiaux, violin III. /
Les Solistes de la Société Bach d'Anvers - Georges Octors, conductor
(4 - 6) - David Oistrakh, violin I. / Igor Oistrakh, violin II. / London Philharmonic Orchestra - Malcolm Sargent, conductor
(7 - 10) - David Oistrakh, violin / Vladimir Schreibman, piano
(11 - 13) - David Oistrakh, viola / Igor Oistrakh, violin / Berliner Philharmoniker - David Oistrakh, conductor
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Conversed Monologue - Concerti by J.G. Graun, J.-M. Leclair, W.F. Bach - Fantasticus - Guillermo Brachetta - Robert Smith - Rie Kimura

Conversed Monologue - Concerti by J.G. Graun, J.-M. Leclair, W.F. Bach - Fantasticus - Guillermo Brachetta - Robert Smith - Rie Kimura
ID: RES10166
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: BaroqueSubkolektion: Trio

Fantasticus XL, Rie Kimura (Baroque violin), Robert Smith (viola da gamba), Guillermo Brachetta (harpsichord)
Following several exciting and critically acclaimed albums as a Baroque trio, the Amsterdam-based group Fantasticus are now augmented to become a chamber orchestra for the first time - Fantasticus XL.

Their debut recording as an expanded group features three diverse early concerti that charts the differing forms of French and German forms of this evolving genre.

The album consists of one concerto for each original member of the trio of Rie Kimura (Baroque violin - Jean-Marie Leclair), Robert Smith (viola da gamba - Johann Gottlieb Graun) and Guillermo Brachetta (harpsichord - Wilhelm Freidemann Bach).
18.00 eur Buy

David Oistrakh, violin - Chopin, Prokofiev, Scriabin, Vieuxtemps, Reger, Leclair

David Oistrakh, violin - Chopin, Prokofiev, Scriabin, Vieuxtemps, Reger, Leclair
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Great PerformersSubkolektion: Violin

Live in Grand Hall of Moscow State Consrvatoire, October, 20, 1951
Vladimir Schreibman, piano (1-4; 7-13)
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Kunde: ungemeldet

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