World music CD DVD shop and Classic distribution
ID: DSPRCD027 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Music for Children Subcollection: PianoBooklet languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish |
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ID: DOR2150021 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Music for Children Ulf gesprochen von: Gerald Schaale
Zwulf gesprochen von: Joachim Kaps
Kompositionen: Ralf Kleinschmidt (4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14)
Ulf Erdmann (2, 3, 10, 13)
Wilfried Bergholz (1, 5)
Lutz Gerlach (6)
Ralf Kleinschmidt / Wilfried Bergholz (8)
Texte: Wilfried Bergholz
Arrangements: Tobias Morgenstern (3, 5, 7, 10, 14)
Ralf Kleinschmidt (4, 8, 9, 11, 12)
Ulf Erdmann (2, 13)
Lutz Gerlach (1, 6)
Ulf & Zwulf:
Ralf Kleinschmidt (voc, ac-g, back-voc)
Ulf Erdmann (voc, ac-g, back-voc, mand, harm)
Julia Burkhardt (voc - 12)
Clown Lulu (voc - 13)
Wortregie: Lutz Erdmann
Gruppe Flair:
Lutz Gerlach (keyb, p, ld)
Ralf Templin (ac-g, g)
Alexander Prokop (bg, b)
Bernd Schimmler (dr-comp)
Tobias Morgenstern (acc)
Hermann Naehring (perc, xylophon, marimba)
Schotten-Schulle (dudelsack)
Falk Breitkreuz (sax)
Bläsergruppe C. D. Knispel |
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ID: FRC6131 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Music for Children 27 tracks from artists inc. Michael Holiday, Rosemary Clooney, Charles Penrose & more.
Puffin Billy / The Laughing Policeman / Teddy Bears Picnic / Run Rabbit Run / Three Little Fishes / Buckingham Palace / I Taut I Taw a PuddyCat / Me and My Teddy Bear / Wonderful Copenhagen / The Runaway Train / Nellie the Elephant / The Ugly Duckling / I Know an Old Lady / Sisters / Gilly Gilly Ossenfeffer / On the Good Ship Lollipop / The Big Rock Candy Mountain / Sparkys Magic Piano (Parts I & II) / Que Sera, Sera / Pretty Little Black-Eyed Susie / In the Middle of the House / Little Boy Fishing / The Owl and the Pussycat / A Four-Legged Friend / Old McDonald Had a Farm / The Dambusters March / The Hippopotamus Song |
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ID: FRC6143 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Music for Children A collection of popular and less well-known nursery rhymes and children’s games, licensed from Saydisc, which is notable for its high level of musicianship. As opposed to much competing product, this disc is performed on ‘real’ instruments. ‘An excellent, wholesome and meticulous production’ English Dance & Song ‘This splendid record’ The Daily Telegraph
1) Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
2) Hush a bye baby on the tree top
3) Pat a cake, pat a cake, baker's man
4) Little Jack Horner
5) Hot cross buns
6) Mary had a little lamb
7) Baa baa black sheep
8) Little Bo Peep
9) A frog he would a wooing go
10) Who killed cock Robin?
11) Three blind mice
12) Hickory dickory dock
13) Ding dong bell, pussy's in the well
14) Sing a song of sixpence
15) Old King Cole was a merry old soul
16) Grand old Duke of York / Lion and the unicorn
17) Hey diddle diddle / Humpty Dumpty
18) A ring o' roses
19) Oranges and lemons
20) Here we go round the mulberry bush
21) Girls and boys come out to play
22) Polly put the kettle on / Lucy Locket
23) Jack and Jill went up the hill
24) Little boy blue, come blow your horn
25) Little Miss Muffet, she sat on a tuffet
26) Dance to your daddy
27) There was a man lived in the moon
28) Singing Games
King William Was King David’s Son / Cock Robin Is Dead and Lays In His Grave / There Came Three Gypsies Riding / We Are the Roman Soldiers / There Were Three Jolly Sailor Boys / Queen Mary Has Lost Her Gold Ring / Rosy Apple, Lemon and A Pear / Here Comes Mrs. Macaroni / Poor Mary Sat A-Weeping / There Was A Farmer Had A Dog, His Name Was Bobby Bingo / Mary Maloga She Lifted Her Leg / Rise Sally Walker / Sister Jane and Brother Jim / Glory, Glory, Alleluia
29) Dipping Games
One Potato, Two Potato / Eeny Meeny Miney Mo, Put the Baby On the Po / My Mother and Your Mother Were Hanging Out Some Clothes / Counting in "Shepherd’s Score"
30) Skipping
I Am A Little Orphan Girl / Raspberry, Strawberry, Gooseberry Jam / When I Call Your Birthday / Jelly On the Plate / Bluebells, Cockle Shells / Goodbye ... When You Are Away / Cream Crackers, Penny A Packet
31) Clapping
Em-pom-pi / The Spaceman Said, My Mother Is A Baker / Who Stole the Shoe From the Cobbler’s Shop
32) Two ball games
Olicha Bolicha Sister Cololicha / Lemonade, Fizzy-pop / Mrs. Mop Bought A Shop / Gypsy, Gypsy Lived In A Tent / One, Two, Three A Plainsey / Gypsy, Gypsy Caroline / Bronco Lane Went To Spain
33) More singing games
Down In the Meadow / Queenio, Queenio Who’s Got the Ball? / We’ve Come To See Your Janie Jones |
15.00 eur Buy |
ID: ART368 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Music for Children Subcollection: Voice and EnsembleDunno, or Know-Nothing or Ignoramus or Idontknower (Russian: Neznayka that is Don'tknowka (ka - the Russian suffix here for drawing up the whole name in a cheerful form); from the Russian phrase ("ne znayu"), don't know) is a character created by Soviet children's writer Nikolay Nosov.
Andrey B. Razin - keyboards, arrangement
Tatyana Komova - vocals
Vladimir Galaktionov - the pipe
Igor Tertychny - saxophone, clarinet
Alexey Rozov - violin
Sergey Efimov - drums, music recording |
17.00 eur Buy |