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World music CD DVD shop and Classic distribution


Claudio Monteverdi: Selva morale e spirituale Vol.I

Claudio Monteverdi: Selva morale e spirituale Vol.I
ID: COR16087
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

Without doubt, Monteverdi was the greatest of the early baroque European composers. He revolutionised the music of the theatre and the church by his dramatic and imaginative use of voices and instruments and by his daring harmonies and rhythms. Next to his Vespers of 1610, the Selva morale e spirituale of 1641 is his most significant and virtuosic collection of sacred music. Over the next few years we intend to record the complete publication with a variety of forces. His much performed Beatus vir is a mere appetiser for this delightful yet thrilling music.
The Sixteen & Harry Christophers
18.00 eur Buy

The Fairy Queen - Purcell

The Fairy Queen - Purcell
ID: COR16005
CDs: 2
Type: CD
Subcollection: Choir

29.00 eur Buy

Weihn Weihnachts Oratorium Christmas Oratorio - J. S. Bach

Weihn Weihnachts Oratorium Christmas Oratorio - J. S. Bach
ID: COR16017
CDs: 2
Type: CD
Sacred Oratorios

The Christmas Oratorio is one of Bach's greatest masterpieces and this recording is one of The Sixteen's finest.

Lynda Russell (soprano), Catherine Wyn-Rogers (contralto), Mark Padmore (tenor, Evangelist), Michael George (bass, Herod), Libby Crabtree (angel, Echo)
29.00 eur Buy

Esther - George Frideric Handel

Esther - George Frideric Handel
ID: COR16019
CDs: 2
Type: CD
Sacred Oratorios
Subcollection: Choir

Lynda Russell, Nancy Argenta, Michael Chance, Tom Randle, Mark Padmore, Matthew Vine, Simon Berridge, Michael George, Robert Evans, Simon Birchall, Anthony Robson
29.00 eur Buy

Alexander’s Feast - George Frideric Handel

Alexander’s Feast - George Frideric Handel
ID: COR16028
CDs: 2
Type: CD
Subcollection: Choir

29.00 eur Buy

J. S. Bach - Mass in B minor BWV 232

J. S. Bach - Mass in B minor BWV 232
ID: COR16044
CDs: 2
Type: CD
Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

Bach's Mass in B minor displays all the ingredients that that contribute his supreme ranking amongst his peers of any age, and also demonstrates the breadth of compositional skills amassed during his lifetime. It demands choral singing of blistering athleticism but also sensitive, responsive and, at times, majestic orchestral playing coupled with virtuosic obligatos along with a team of soloists who can breathe an immediacy of expression into the words of the mass. All these elements are well to the fore in this magnificent recording.
29.00 eur Buy

The Christmas Collection - Three of The Sixteen’s much-loved Christmas

The Christmas Collection - Three of The Sixteen’s much-loved Christmas
ID: COR16054
CDs: 3
Type: CD
Choral Collection
Subcollection: Christmas Music

The perfect gift for Christmas - three of The Sixteen’s most celebrated festive CDs in a Boxset. From medieval carols with fiddles, harps and drums to the traditional carols we know and love, this collection includes favourite twentieth century English carols.
36.00 eur Buy

Samson - Handel -The Sixteen

Samson - Handel -The Sixteen
ID: COR16008
CDs: 3
Type: CD

Samson - Thomas Randle (tenor)
Israelite man, Philistine man - Mark Padmore (tenor)
Dalila - Lynda Russell (soprano)
Israelite woman, Philistine woman, Virgin - Lynne Dawson
Micah - Catherine Wyn-Rogers (alto)
Messenger - Matthew Vine (tenor)
Manoa - Michael George (bass)
Harapha - Jonathan Best (bass)
36.00 eur Buy

Handel- Messiah - The Sixteen, Harry Christophers and Special Edition Bonus CD-Arrival of the Queen of Sheeba

Handel- Messiah - The Sixteen, Harry Christophers and Special Edition Bonus CD-Arrival of the Queen of Sheeba
ID: COR16062
CDs: 3
Type: CD
Choral Collection
Subcollection: Choir

Arguably the most famous oratorio ever written and certainly Handel’s best known work, Messiah needs little introduction. Composed in a staggering twenty-four days Messiah was first performed in Dublin in 1742 where it received a rapturous welcome. Not so the following year when it premiered in London to a distinctly hostile reception. It wasn’t until Messiah began to be presented

in charity performances at the Foundling Hospital in London that the public started to embrace the work we now regard as Handel’s greatest composition.

On this disc The Sixteen and Harry Christophers are joined by four soloists all revered Handelians who have had a long association with The Sixteen.
36.00 eur Buy

Hilliard live The Collection (4 cd set) - The Hilliard Ensemble

Hilliard live The Collection (4 cd set) - The Hilliard Ensemble
ID: COR16064
CDs: 4
Type: CD
Vocal Collection

The Hilliard Ensemble is one of the world's finest vocal chamber groups, and is probably unrivalled for its formidable reputation in the fields of both early and new music. This series was only previously available direct from the group but has never before been fully available at international retail.
45.00 eur Buy

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