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Instrumental, page 23

   Titels gefunden: 882

Nikolai Petrov - F.P. Schubert - Piano Sonata, D 960 / 'Wanderer', D 760

Nikolai Petrov - F.P. Schubert - Piano Sonata, D 960 / 'Wanderer', D 760
ID: MKM277
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: InstrumentalSubkolektion: Piano

Recorded 19 and 20 September 1971 in Victor Studio, Tokyo, Japan
15.00 eur Buy

Grigory Sokolov, piano - Beethoven: Sonata No. 29 "Hammerklavier"

Grigory Sokolov, piano - Beethoven: Sonata No. 29 "Hammerklavier"
ID: MKM288
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: InstrumentalSubkolektion: Piano

Recordings: 18-19 November 1975, Munchen
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Daniil Shafran - Schubert: Sonata Arpeggione, Schumann: Fantasiestucke, Rachmaninov: Sonata

Daniil Shafran - Schubert: Sonata Arpeggione, Schumann: Fantasiestucke, Rachmaninov: Sonata
ID: MKM314
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: InstrumentalSubkolektion: Piano and Cello

Recorded: 1978
15.00 eur Buy

Varied Air - Charles Ives - Piano Music - Philip Mead, piano

Varied Air - Charles Ives - Piano Music - Philip Mead, piano
ID: MSVCD92037
CDs: 2
Type: CD
Subkolektion: Piano

Helen Brammen (flute), Elena Artemonova (viola)

The solo piano music of Ives represents an extraordinary achivement. "Experimental" is a word often associated with it. But "experimental" in what sense? Certainly he was exploring a wholly unique and personal style. Ives' music is by turns, exploratory, powerful, sensitive and transcendental always wholly consistent within its own, sometimes highly unusual terms. These qualities are there in abundance in his two crowning achievements the first and second sonatas. The studies and others orbit round these like planets to twin suns.

Piano Sonata no. 1 Piano Sonata no. 2 Three-Page Sonata Study no. 2 (Varied Air with Variations) Study no 9 (The Anti-Abolitionist Riots) Study no. 20 Study no. 21 (Some South-Paw Pitching) Study no. 22 Study no. 23 (Baseball Take-Off) Five Take-Offs Watltz-Rondo
15.00 eur Buy


ID: MSVCD92075
CDs: 2
Type: CD
Kolektion: InstrumentalSubkolektion: Piano

Gerhard Stäbler is perhaps best known for his avant-garde stage works and chamber music. However he has also composed a fairly substantial body of work for the traditional piano, treated in his unmistakeable and unique way. The music employs extreme virtuosity, a large dynamic range and use of unusual techniques, all taken in his stride by pianist Paulo Alvarez.

tracks: Dali Traum 1/9/92 Internet 1.1 Internet 1.5 Internet 1.9 Windows 1 Windows 2 Windows 3 Windows 4 Windows 5 Total. Von Branntwein und Finsternissen Hart auf hart
15.00 eur Buy

Tristan Murail - Complete Piano Music - Marilyn Nonken, piano

Tristan Murail - Complete Piano Music - Marilyn Nonken, piano
ID: MSVCD92097
CDs: 2
Type: CD
Kolektion: InstrumentalSubkolektion: Piano

Murail's music belongs to the French tradition of Debussy, Ravel and Messiaen. However it also revitalises the piano for the modern day in a way that is exploratory and startling. His music is not for the piano, it is about the piano, requiring delicacy, spontaneity and an enormous level of skill, such as that displayed by Marilyn Nonken.

Comme un oeil suspendu et poli par le songe;
Territoires de l'Oubli;
Cloches d'adieu, et un sourire;
La Mandragore;
Les Travaux et les Jours
15.00 eur Buy


ID: MSVCD92065
CDs: 2
Type: CD
Kolektion: InstrumentalSubkolektion: Violin

An immense and amgnificent set of variations by American composer George Rochberg, not just, as the title may suggest, on Paganini's famous 24th Caprice, but incorporating styles and forms "borrowed" from many other ocmposers, such as Mahler, Brahms, Busoni, Schubert and Beethoven! The work is played on the renowned "Habeneck" Stradivarius violin of 1734. Violinist Peter Sheppard Skærved is a virtuoso of the first order and a regular Metier recording artist.
CD1: Variations 1-45
CD2: Variations 46-51
15.00 eur Buy


ID: GD106
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: InstrumentalSubkolektion: Folk Music

The present release includes recordings by renowned bagpipers from all folk regions of Bulgaria - authentic melodies, arrangements, and author's folk-based works by Alexander Raichev, Hristofor Radanov, Kostadin Atanassov, Hristo Todorov, Georgi Andreev, Gencho Genchev. The CD booklet contains extensive information by Prof. Manol Todorov about the origin, development, composition and varieties of the bagpipe in Bulgaria and in the world and it will be of special interest to the admirers of this instrument.
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Bohuslav Martinů - Works for Violoncello and Piano

Bohuslav Martinů - Works for Violoncello and Piano
ID: GD165
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: InstrumentalSubkolektion: Piano and Cello

Martinů: Works for Violoncello and Piano; Ariette, H 188 B; Pastorales, H 190; Miniature Suite, H 192; Nocturnes, H 189; Variations on a Theme by Rossini, H 290

Interprets: Krastev, Taskov
Krastev, Anatoli - violoncello
Taskov, Krassimir - piano
15.00 eur Buy

Legende -French Music for Harp

Legende -French Music for Harp
ID: GD152
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: InstrumentalSubkolektion: Harp

The release features seven authors of music for harp, closely associated with the French school of composing and the Paris Conservatoire. Among them is the remarkable composer, organist and pedagogue Gabriel Faure and the famous in the first half of the 20th century Germaine Tailleferre who shaped up her style under the influence of impressionism, the ideas of Jean Cocteau about new art and those of the eccentric Eric Satie. Together with the famous composers Arthur Honegger, Darius Milhaud and Francis Poulenc she took part in the group of modern and innovative creators of French music called Les Six. Yet another woman composer is included in the CD, Henriette Renie, the author of Legende, inspired by knight's poetry. Gabriel Peirne is a musician who contributed greatly to French musical life in the first decades of the 20th century and wrote music in all genres. Carlos Salzedo is a famous harpist and propagator of modern art. And Maurice Franck's piece received its world premiere in this performance of Bulgarian harpist Anna-Maria Ravnopolska. Each of the brilliantly selected pieces reveals not only the musician's talent and abilities but also the specific beauty of the harp, an instrument which has preserved its charm to the present day.
15.00 eur Buy
Kunde: ungemeldet

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