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Piano, page 94

   Found CDs: 1163

Rachmaninov - Piano Works - Pavel Serebriakov

Rachmaninov - Piano Works - Pavel Serebriakov
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Instrumental
Subcollection: Piano

Recorded by Petersburg Recording Studio, 1969, 1972 and 1973
18.00 eur Buy

Schumann - Carnaval, Kinderszenen - Pavel Egorov, piano

Schumann - Carnaval, Kinderszenen - Pavel Egorov, piano
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Instrumental
Subcollection: Piano

Robert Schumann
Carnival, Op.9
Valse noble
A.S.C.H. - S.C.H.A. (Letters dansents)
Pantalon et Colombine
Valse allemande
Paganini. Intermezzo.
Parche des "Davidsbundler" contre les Philistins

Kinderszenen, Op.15
18.00 eur Buy

Mozart - Symphony concentrante for Violin and Viola in E flat major, KV 364 / Brahms - Sonata for Viola and Piano in F minor / Debussy - Sonata for Flute, Viola and Harp - Yuri Kramarov, viola

Mozart - Symphony concentrante for Violin and Viola in E flat major, KV 364 / Brahms - Sonata for Viola and Piano in F minor / Debussy - Sonata for Flute, Viola and Harp - Yuri Kramarov, viola
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Piano

Recorded by Petersburg Recording Studio, 1971 (8-10), 1974 (4-7), 1977 (1-3)

Yuri Kramarov, viola (all tracks)

Victor Liberman, violin (1 - 3)
Tatiana Vosckresenskaia, piano (4 - 7)
Stanislav Poshehov, flute (8 -10)
Adriana Tugay, harp (8 - 10)
Leningrad Chamber Orchestra - Eduard Serov, conductor (1 - 3)
18.00 eur Buy

Russian capricco

Russian capricco
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Piano

Capriccio - is an Italian word, but it is easy to understand what it means. As practice shows, not only spoilt girls like to be capricious. Public in general get used to do it. And musicians are the best to soothe it. As a genre Capriccio came to Russia from Europe, exactly from Italy. But, in spite of its foreign birth Russian composers had assimilated it brilliantly. Today's public - in a way a «granddaughter» of the XIXth century indulges itself with an orchestra Capriccios by Glinka, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, and Rubinstein. Russian classics were inspired by Italian and Spain themes, hence all compositions are penetrated with South spirit, and it could be seen in every bar and, even in the titles of capriccios. Only Rubinstein preferred a truly Russian capriccio, (that's its both title and essence) to Neapolitan's songs. This composition is outstanding, it is more lyric and vast scale, special Russian heartedness and temperament, as hot as Spanish, but closer to Russian mentality. As far as the form of capriccio is free (just as a feature of genre), sudden dramaturgic turns, rhythmic changes, condition changes and improvisation moments makes this music so powerful. Orchestral tutti and tender melodic parts shades each other and turn one ecstatic soul into a great delight. Burning, hot music of the South strikes fire from the strings, winds out from brass and wood bells, stuns with its brilliance and satisfies the most esthetic caprices of the most refine amateur of music.
18.00 eur Buy

Walter Gieseking plays Debussy - Preludes and Images

Walter Gieseking plays Debussy - Preludes and Images
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Instrumental
Subcollection: Piano

18.00 eur Buy

Chopin -Mazurken & Nocturnes

Chopin -Mazurken & Nocturnes
ID: RK9708
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Instrumental

Aus der Sammlung des Musikinstrumentenmuseums der Universität Leipzig:

Zvi Meniker - Hammerflügel von 1828/29 der Leipziger Firma Tröndlin

Die meisten Pianisten und Musikliebhaber heutzutage wissen, daß die Klavierwerke klassischer Komponisten wie Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven und Schubert für Instrumente geschrieben sind, die sich vom modernen Konzertflügel stark unterscheiden. Es ist jedoch nicht sehr bekannt, daß auch die erste Generation romantischer Komponisten ihre Werke für ein Klavier geschrieben hat, welches - außer im Tonumfang - von einem modernen Flügel sehr weit entfernt war.
Am auffallendsten ist der klare, helle Ton der früheren Instrumente sowie ein Timbre, das sich durch den Tonumfang hinweg verändert: vom durchsichtigen, läutenden Diskant über einen runden und klaren Tenor zum volltönenden, aber zugleich noch klaren und nicht sehr schweren Baß. Das Ergebnis: Chopins wohlgeformte Begleitungenwerden belebt, ohne die Melodien zu überwältigen; der Gestaltung Chopins wird getreu gefolgt.
18.00 eur Buy

German Songs - Peaceful Christmas Season

German Songs - Peaceful Christmas Season
ID: RK2602
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Christmas Music
Subcollection: Piano

Warum es gut ist, alte Weihnachtslieder neu zu hören

Wenn sich Schneeflöckchen leise rieselnd ans Fenster setzt, die Glocken süß erklingen und am Baum die Lichter brennen, dann ist - so verheißen es die Lieder - Weihnachten. Üblicherweise hören wir Weihnachtslieder als Klangkulisse auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt oder in der Schnäppchen-Ecke im Kaufhaus. Verkaufsstrategie ist hier: weichgespülte Melodie. Doch spätestens am Nikolaustag haben wir diese Hintergrundsmusik satt.
Auf der Raumklang-CD „Engelslicht und Dornenschatten“ mit neunzehn ausgewählten Weihnachtsliedern kann und muss man hinhören. Die zum Teil altbekannten Lieder kommen uns dabei merkwürdig neu zu Ohren. Indem Christine Maria Rembeck ihnen nachlauscht, die Melodie nur in kleinen Nuancen verändert, einzelne Textpassagen herausgreift und sie durch ihre eigene Klavierbegleitung neu interpretiert. Engelsgleich berührt uns der Gesang Christine Maria Rembecks, eingebettet in das breite Klangsprektrum des Klaviers und ergänzt durch die warmen Celloklänge Emilia Gliozzis.

Lieder für eine stille Weihnachtszeit

Christine Maria Rembeck* - Gesang, Klavier
Emilia Gliozzi - Violoncello, Celesta / violoncelle, célesta
18.00 eur Buy

Jascha Heifetz plays French Music Vol. 2

Jascha Heifetz plays French Music Vol. 2
ID: IDIS6644
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Violin

These studio recordings are taken from the period 1941-1961 and feature Jascha Heifitz performing with the Music Art Quartet (Chausson Concerto for violin, piano and String Quartet), the RCA Symphony Orchestra conducted by Itzler Soloman (Chausson Poëme for violin and orchestra) and his own quartet performing Cesar Franck’s Quintet in F minor.

Concerto in D major for piano, violin and string quartet, Op. 21
studio recording, 1941
Music Art Quartet

Poème for Violin & Orchestra, Op. 25
studio recording, 1952
RCA Symphony Orchestra, Itzler Soloman

Franck, C:
Piano Quintet in F minor, Op. 14
studio recording, 1961
Jascha Heifetz Quintet
18.00 eur Buy

French Oboe Sonatas - J. Van den Hauwe, oboe - D. Ouziel, piano - E.Boudreault, bassoon

French Oboe Sonatas - J. Van den Hauwe, oboe - D. Ouziel, piano - E.Boudreault, bassoon
ID: ACDBB030-2
CDs: 1
Type: SACD
Subcollection: Oboe

In this album, the Belgian oboist Joris Van den Hauwe performs a number of French compositions for oboe from the 19th and 20th centuries.

This recording includes some of the most important works of French music for oboe and piano. Some were written for student examinations at the Conservatoire National Supérieure de Paris. Others were dedicated to former teachers, for example, Camille Saint-Saëns's Sonata to ‘Monsieur Louis Bass, hautbois- Premier Solo de la Société des Concerts du Conservatoire et de l'Opera' (tracks 11, 12 and 13). The ‘Sarabande et Allegro' by Gabriel Grovlez (tracks 14 and 15) and the ‘Fantaisie Pastorale' by Eugène Bozza (track 7) were both dedicated to the then highly acclaimed oboist Louis Bleuzet (1874-1941), also a teacher at the Paris Conservatoire. Grovlez noted in his score: ‘A mon Ami Louis Bleuzet, Professeur au Conservatoire National de Musique de Paris'. The link between composers and performers was apparently very strong; these works are among the jewels of chamber music.
The oboe sonata (1947) by Henri Dutillieux (tracks 4, 5 and 6) is a jewel, as well, though the composer, born in 1916, thought otherwise. He disavowed this composition, along with other early works. Dutillieux dedicated this sonata to Monsieur Pierre Bayeux, also a teacher at the Paris Conservatoire. Francis Poulenc dedicated his two sonatas on this album (tracks 1, 2 and 3 and 16, 17 and 18) to Sergei Prokofiev and Manuel de Falla. It is a conscious departure from a program following a timeline of the dates of the compositions. The reason for this is to present the music on the album as though in a concert, in a musical progression. The album begins, for example, with the most recent work.
18.00 eur Buy

The Young Salvatore Accardo: Paganini

The Young Salvatore Accardo: Paganini
ID: IDIS6627
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Violin

Le Streghe M.S.; Nel cor più non mi sento M.S.44; Moto perpetuo M.S. 72; Sonata in E minor op.3 no. 6 M.S. 27; Allegro; Rondò; Sonata a preghiera M.S. 23; I Palpiti M.S. 77; God Save the King M.S.56

Studio Recordings, 1959-60

The Italian violinist Salvatore Accardo has always been a great champion of Paganini, so much so his Paganini recordings have always been highly acclaimed. This new Dynamic recording ‘The Young Salvatore Accardo’ features some of the most famous pieces of Paganini repertoire recorded by Accardo during the years 1959-1960 together with the pianist Antonio Beltrami.
18.00 eur Buy
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