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Instrumental, page 25

   Found CDs: 882

FRENCH MUSIC - Vol. 2 - HENRI DUPARC - FRANCIS POULENC - Robin Clavreul, cello - Boris Nedeltchev, piano

FRENCH MUSIC - Vol. 2 - HENRI DUPARC - FRANCIS POULENC - Robin Clavreul, cello - Boris Nedeltchev, piano
ID: GD151
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Instrumental
Subcollection: Piano and Cello

Violoncellist Robin Clavreul and pianist Boris Nedeltchev present a programme of works by Henri Duparc and Francis Poulenc, two French composers who are fairly unknown in Bulgaria. The first one was associated with the epoch of French Romanticism, the second, a creative artist of the 20th century, one of Les Six. Duparc's Sonata for Violoncello and Piano is a brilliant work, of a fluent form and spontaneity of feeling, expressed by a 19-year old youth, brought up in the great French traditions. The masterfully written violoncello part offers a good opportunity to reveal the interpreter's emotional stanza. The recording highlights not only the temperament of the author, but also that of the performer, a pianist possessing a superb tone, a virtuoso who makes the violoncello sing. The same goes about Romance de Mignon. Poulenc's Sonata, was written in a period of creative maturity, after a number of works which brought their composer world fame. The four parts bear original titles, which bear evidence to their g
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ID: GD172
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Piano

The programme features recordings of three works by Schubert and Brahms performed by the well-known Bulgarian musicians Georgi Badev and Bojidar Noev. Georgi Badev, who usually plays the violin, is occasionally tempted to play the viola. The musical instrument has been specially made for him by Bulgaria's most famous violin and viola maker and its sound is of highly satisfactory quality. Franz Schubert's masterpiece Sonata "Arpeggione" is a challenge for all artists who venture to perform this work of the early German Romanticism. The duo's interpretation of the piece is strikingly moving and filled with melody, harmonic beauty and virtuosity. It carries the spirit of the age of Classicism, which Schubert was so fond of. Brahms' two Sonatas Op. 120 are among the composer's last works. They unite his poetic, lyrical and deeply emotional feelings and express his emotional trepidation. The two performers overcome with ease and virtuosity the technical and ensemble difficulties that the two works present. The rec
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EMILE NAOUMOFF, piano - Live in Paris

EMILE NAOUMOFF, piano - Live in Paris
ID: GD184
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Instrumental
Subcollection: Piano

Pianist and composer, Emile Naoumoff started his concert career at an early age. The child-prodigy demonstrated his great talent and maturity not only as a performer but also with his very first attempts in composing. His musical formation took place in Paris, where he began his studies at the beginning of the 1970s. Mr. Naoumoff graduated from the Paris Conservatoire as a pupil of Nadia Boulanger, one of the greatest ladies in world music. Later his performing and creative careers developed in parallel. This CD includes Mr. Naumoff's piano transcription of Tchaikovsky's overture-fantasy Romeo and Juliet. The complete programme - recorded live at a concert in Paris - presents the pianist as a master of sound-production, a musician of keen sensitivity and brilliant technique in outlining the essential features of the styles of the four Russian composers.
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MAX REGER - Piano Compositions - Dimitat Tsanev, piano

MAX REGER - Piano Compositions - Dimitat Tsanev, piano
ID: GD180
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Instrumental
Subcollection: Piano

In the present release the pianist Dimitar Tsanev, performer of a number of Reger's works, has collected examples of the two kinds: for instance Prelude and Fugue, op. 99 is perfectly constructed in a Baroque polyphonic manner, while Episodes op. 115 show the romantic outpourings of a gentle soul, thrilled and listening to its own quavers. Tsanev untwines Reger's narration with mastership and much delicacy in nuances and sound colours. His performance is profound and of exquisite style. The same is true of the Sonatina op. 84, No. 4, whose scales and structure herald the beginning of Neo-classicism in music. Tsanev draws out the musical themes in beautiful lines, underlines the uncommon approaches in the harmonic plan. Everything in his playing is organized in a very strict logical order thus resulting in a kind of music which is captivating and enjoyable.
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JOSEF MATTHIAS HAUER - Works for piano

JOSEF MATTHIAS HAUER - Works for piano
ID: GD181
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Instrumental
Subcollection: Piano

Hauer is an Austrian musician, composer and theorist who began his creative work in the daybreak of the 20th century under the influence of Impressionism. From the 1910s onwards he was ideologically and aesthetically associated with the twelve-tone technique, a composition system created by the Austrian composer Arnold Schoenberg. The pieces included in the compact disc present the evolution of Hauer's style: starting with Nomos, op. 2 and reaching to the composed in the last decade of his life pieces named Zwölftonspiel(A twelve-tone play). The pianist Anna Petrova underlines the character of Hauer's style of composing and his mastery of "playing" with the motifs-series in their combinations and sound colours. Particularly poetic is the performing of the clavier pieces on verses from Hölderlin's poetry and inspired by them. In them there is a harmony between verses, ideas, tone reproducing and compositional methodology. Hauer is a relatively lesser-known composer and because of that the CD has also a histori
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Alfred Schnittke, Sergey Prokofiev - Venteslav Nikolov, cello - Rosteslav Yovchev, piano

Alfred Schnittke, Sergey Prokofiev - Venteslav Nikolov, cello - Rosteslav Yovchev, piano
ID: GD198
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Instrumental
Subcollection: Piano and Cello

The famous Bulgarian cellist Ventseslav Nikolov known with his preference for contemporary music and with his significant popularizing activity plays two remarkable 20th-century compositions - the sonatas by Schnittke and Prokofiev. Together with the pianist Rostislav Yovchev, an excellent musician also with proven understanding and attitude to 20th century music, he has registered an inspiring interpretation of the compositions included in the album. The duo reveals the emotional resources of Prokofiev's music and that of Schnittke. It is with mastership in the sound producing and overlapping of timbres and nuances, understanding the essence of the dynamics in the composer's invention, that both cellist and pianist achieve a strongly impressing rendition of the works, whose sincere impulse captivates the listeners.

Prokofiev: Sonata for Cello and Piano op. 119 C Major
Schnittke: Sonata for Cello and Piano (1978)
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ID: GD196
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Instrumental
Subcollection: Piano

The CD presents three of Richard Strauss earliest compositions, performed by Ludmil Angelov. They clearly show the stylistic relationship between the great German masters of the piano miniature and the sonata and Richard Strauss - in the manner of constructing the pieces, of fusing the melodies, in the wealth of harmonic and metro-rhythmic ideas. The pianist shows both the classical clarity of the four-part sonata and the romantic dreams and aspirations contained the exquisite programme pieces from opus 9. Ludmil Angelov, who has been formed as a brilliant interpreter of the romantic style, recreates with great mastery and much poetry the rich imagery of Richard Strauss, fills with mood and various nuances the works, thus demonstrating their beauty and the spontaneity of feelings of the young Strauss. The recordings give an opportunity for music lovers to come to know better Richard Strauss' works from the early 1980s, the time of his maturity and study, of getting ready for the great music he was to create i
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PETKO RADEV, clarinet, MARIA PRINZ, piano

PETKO RADEV, clarinet, MARIA PRINZ, piano
ID: GD226
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Instrumental
Subcollection: Piano and Clarinet

Petko Radev is a phenomenon in the musical performing art of Bulgaria. For several decades now he has managed, thanks to his talent and impressing experience, to stay at the summit of performance as clarinetist. Together with the pianist Maria Prinz, another perfect musician, he presents in this CD a selected programme interpreted with taste, which begins with the splendid Sonata for Clarinet and Piano by Brahms. In it the artistic class of the duo stands out. The CD ends with the remarkable piece of the Bulgarian composer and bassoonist Marin Valtchanov. Petko Radev makes an exceptionally strong impression with his highly individual manner of phrasing and sound expression, as well as with the beauty and the specific melodiousness of the tone - mild, subtle and expressive. He has mastered to perfection the secrets of his instrument and this permits him to create a picturesque, emotional, temperamental music. This kind of music cannot be forgotten. The sonatas by Brahms and Poulenc demonstrate the artistic freedom and interpreting skills of Petko Radev and his partner. Maria Prinz matches her part with the clarinet with a lot of taste and precision, without imposing but at the same time attracting delicately the interest towards the piano.
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NA TRAPEZA - T. SPASSOV, kaval - N.ILIEV, clarinet: Bulgarian folk music and improvisations

NA TRAPEZA - T. SPASSOV, kaval - N.ILIEV, clarinet: Bulgarian folk music and improvisations
ID: GD207
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Instrumental
Subcollection: Folk Music

A chance meeting thousands of kilometers away from Bulgaria provoked this abundance of sounds and ideas, this musical "conspiracy" between two musicians belonging to two different generations yet equally sharing their love for the traditional Bulgarian folk music. This meeting gave birth to the programme entitled Nа Trapeza.
Nikola Iliev belongs to that generation of musicians who grew up with the music of the wedding orchestras. Together with this, he received classical music education, first at the Plovdiv School of Music and after that, at the State Academy of Music in Sofia as pupil of Prof. Petko Radev (a soloist of long standing in the Milan La Scala and the Sofia Philharmonic). Theodosii Spassov, on the other hand, graduated from the School of Folk Singing in Kotel and from the Academy for Music and Dance Arts in Plovdiv. The two performers are representatives of two different systems of education and schools of playing! And while Nikola Iliev introduces in traditional music the classical sound-production (the clarinetists from the older generation play with an open tone, reminiscent of the bagpipe and the zurna) and elements from the European form-building, Theodosii Spassov follows the same process, yet in the reverse direction - from the pure, unsophisticated folk music to jazz, pop music and even to classical musical forms.
Na Trapeza is a unique professional achievement because of the spontaneity of the idea and its practical realization, the incredible synchrony in the two performers' musical ideas and the brilliant improvisations. The uniqueness of the release lies in the fact that the musicians have never rehearsed or discussed the music they perform. The recorded melodies date as far back as their childhood although they have never played together. Moreover, the traditional accompanying band has also been excluded. The two players take turns in the performance of the leading melody and harmony
Na Trapeza is like a reunion between friends, who have not seen each other for a long time and have too many things to share!

Theodosii Spassov - kaval; Nikola Iliev - clarinet
Special guest: Todor Todorov (vocals)

Recorded in the Sts. Cyril and Methodius Bulgarian Church, New York, January 1999
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HEITOR VILLA-LOBOS - 3 SONATAS - Njagul Tumangelov, violin - Bojidar Noev, piano

HEITOR VILLA-LOBOS - 3 SONATAS - Njagul Tumangelov, violin - Bojidar Noev, piano
ID: GD224
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Violin

Bojidar Noev graduated from the State Academy of Music in Sofia. His career as a concretizing pianist began at the age of 13, when he made his debut with the Sofia Philharmonic. He attended the courses of the Salzburg Mozarteum and a master class of the great French pianist Magda Tagliaferro. In 1969-1972 he specialized at Rome's Academia di Santa Cecilia with world-known pianists like professors Carlo Zecchi and Guido Agosti, with Rudolf Serkin, Nikita Magaloff, etc. He has appeared as soloist and chamber music performer throughout Europe, in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Cuba, and in Asia. He has been invited to perform at prestigious international festivals in Bulgaria, Italy, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Russia, Portugal, and Mexico. Mr. Noev has been member of the jury at piano competitions in Austria and Italy. Since 1977 he has been Professor in piano at the State Conservatory in Innsbruck and since 1990 he has directed the Department of Keyboard Instruments.
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