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Orchestra, page 65

   Found CDs: 723

Anthony Gilbert - Dream Carousels

Anthony Gilbert - Dream Carousels
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Orchestral Works
Subcollection: Orchestra

Both Anthony Gilbert's brilliant woodwind writing and his long association with the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester are showcased on this disc, featuring performances by the RNCM's acclaimed New Ensemble and Wind Orchestra, and concluding with the brilliant and playful tribute to Stravinsky, Igorochki.
22.00 eur Buy

Birtwistle - Secret Theatre

Birtwistle - Secret Theatre
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Orchestral Works
Subcollection: Orchestra

Classic recording from the London Sinfonietta, previously released on Etcetera. (NMC makes another deleted disc permenently available.)

Secret Theatre explores Birtwistle’s fascination with ritual and takes its title from a Robert Graves poem.

Silbury Air is stark, menacing, and tense and named after the prehistoric mound Silbury Hill in England.
22.00 eur Buy

Prime Cuts - Sampler

Prime Cuts - Sampler
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Orchestral Works
Subcollection: Orchestra

Both Anthony Gilbert's brilliant woodwind writing and his long association with the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester are showcased on this disc, featuring performances by the RNCM's acclaimed New Ensemble and Wind Orchestra, and concluding with the brilliant and playful tribute to Stravinsky, Igorochki.
22.00 eur Buy

Saturn - Edwin Roxburgh

Saturn - Edwin Roxburgh
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Clarinet

Roxburgh's Clarinet Concerto features soloist Linda Merrick in a work of symphonic scope and expressivity; she is acompanied by the Royal Northern College of Music Symphony Orchestra conducted by the composer.

In Saturn - a tribute to Holst, Roxburgh's predecessor at the Royal College of Music - Roxburgh explores the mythical characters of its moons and satellites in a series of orchestral showpieces which culminates in the wild abandon, and percussive onslaught, of Saturn itself; Hertfordshire County Youth Orchestra is conducted by Peter Stark.
22.00 eur Buy


CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Orchestra

Matthew Sharp, cello
Orchestra X / Nicholas Kok, conductor
The Continuum Ensemble, Ensemble X / Philip Headlam, conductor
Quartet X
Tim Harries, bass guitar
Errollyn Wallen, voice
22.00 eur Buy

John Woolrich - The Ghost in the Machine

John Woolrich - The Ghost in the Machine
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Orchestral Works
Subcollection: Orchestra

Four substantial orchestral works by John Woolrich: The Barber's Timepiece, inspired by a short story by Italo Calvino; the Oboe Concerto, featuring Nicholas Daniel; The Ghost in the Machine, which explores the idea of order sliding into chaos; and the Viola Concerto, which is structured as a cycle of 'songs without words', alluding to Tristan, Mozart's Idomeneo and Cosi fan tutte, Beethoven's An die ferne Geliebte and madrigals by Monteverdi.
Editor's Choice: "A strong and individual voice in music of real substance. The fine soloists bring the concertos vividly to life. Well worth exploring."Gramophone 2001
22.00 eur Buy

From Morning To Midnight

From Morning To Midnight
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Violin

The first full-length disc from highly-acclaimed young composer David Sawer, featuring scintillating orchestral score the greatest happiness principle, ensemble works Tiroirs and The Memory of Water, and a specially-arranged orchestral suite taken from Sawer’s opera From Morning to Midnight, heard here for the first time. The disc features the BBC Symphony Orchestra and Birmingham Contemporary Music Group, conducted by Martyn Brabbins and Susanna Malkki.
6 - Alexandra Wood, Simon Blendis, solo violins
22.00 eur Buy

Love from a Stranger - Film scores by Britten, Gerhard, Lutyens & Bennett

Love from a Stranger - Film scores by Britten, Gerhard, Lutyens & Bennett
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Orchestral Works
Subcollection: Orchestra

Britten's early score for Agatha Christie thriller Love From a Stranger is coupled with scores by Roberto Gerhard - for Lindsay Anderson's intense 1963 drama This Sporting Life - Richard Rodney Bennett's lush, romantic score to The Return of the Soldier, and Elisabeth Lutyens' superlatively creepy music for 60s horror film The Skull.
22.00 eur Buy

Harrison Birtwistle: Ancora - Triumph of Time

Harrison Birtwistle: Ancora - Triumph of Time
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Orchestral Works
Subcollection: Orchestra

While I Am Goya, The Sickle and Remembering Esenin share a common inspiration in Russian poetry of the last century, the Flute Concerto provides a contrast in its neo-Baroque concerto grosso style.
These recordings were originally released on Unicorn-Kanchana in 1983.
Reissued with funding from Arts Council England.
22.00 eur Buy

Stuart Mac Rae - Violin Concerto

Stuart Mac Rae - Violin Concerto
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Violin

Stuart MacRae's Violin Concerto, commissioned for the 2001 BBC Proms, is performed here by soloist Christian Tetzlaff with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra under its chief conductor Ilan Volkov; it is coupled with Stirling Choruses, written for the brass section of the BBC SSO, which portrays the “dark and foreboding” Stirling Castle.

These are works are joined by Motus, a processional for 6 instruments; and Two Scenes from the Death of Count Ugolino, for voice and instrumental ensemble - based on a gruesome section of Dante’s Inferno, and featuring mezzo-soprano Loré Lixenberg.

1-4 - Christian Tetzlaff violin/ BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra/ Ilan Volkov conductor
5-6 - Loré Lixenberg mezzo-soprano/ BCMG/ Susanna Mälkki conductor
7 - BCMG/ Susanna Mälkki conductor
8 - BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra/ Ilan Volkov conductor
22.00 eur Buy
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