World music CD DVD shop and Classic distribution
ID: ERP7013-1 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Subcollection: Ensemble Handbell Ensemble Arsis
20 years of Handbell Ensemble Arsis. The CD will be released on Dec 21st, 2013.
Performed by Handbell Ensemble Arsis, Heldur-Harry Põlda (boy-soprano, 2), Toomas Vavilov (clarinet, 9), Irén Lovász (vocal, 12), Estonian National Male Choir RAM (12), Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (13), Aivar Mäe (conductor, 9-11, 13), Kristjan Järvi (conductor, 12) |
15.00 eur Buy |
ID: ERP9917 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Vocal Collection Subcollection: Voice and Ensemble Performed by Ensemble Arsis (1−12, 15, 16)
Ivo Posti (3)
Kristel Pärtna (4, 5)
Rémi Boucher (7, 13, 14)
Rauno Elp (8, 9)
Oliver Kuusik (12)
Mikk Mäe (13)
Artistic director Aivar Mäe.
Toomas Vavilov (clarinet),
Heldur Harry Polda (boy soprano), Ivo Posti (countertenor), Rémi Boucher (guitar), Mikk Mäe (pop-singer) and soloists of the Estonian National Opera - Kristel Pärtna (soprano), Rauno Elp (baritone), Oliver Kuusik (tenor) |
15.00 eur Buy |