World music CD DVD shop and Classic distribution
Composer: MERULA, Tarquino ((1594-1665)) |
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ID: DCD34001 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Subcollection: Harpsichord A stunning recital on a variety of keyboards from Edinburgh’s venerated musical museum. Repertoire includes works by Byrd, Bach, Handel, Scarlatti, Greene, Couperin, and Forqueray. Photographs and descriptions of all nine instruments enhance the booklet. A must-have item for early keyboard enthusiasts worldwide! |
15.00 eur Buy |
ID: RK2302 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Subcollection: Voices |
18.00 eur Buy |
ID: RK2705 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Chamber Music Since 2003, world-class musicians have met annually in Kärnten, Austria, at the “TRIGONALE - Festival of Early Music.” This 2 CD set brings together the highlights of last year’s festival.
Recorded live, the performances range from music of the Middle Ages, including motets by Machaut, through the Renaissance and Baroque eras to interpretations of the music of Mozart and Haydn. The line up of artistes is first class and included the Hilliard Ensemble, La Fenice/Jean Tubéry, and il Giardino Armonico, all offering an impression of the festival’s lively atmosphere. |
18.00 eur Buy |
ID: SIGCD033 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Baroque The emergence of the basso continuo (or “figured bass”) was one of the critical moments in this history of music. Figured bass, upon which a keyboard player or lutenist could improvise harmony, meant that a single musician could provide the necessary harmonies which would previously have needed several players. In the early part of the seventeenth century, large numbers of extremely virtuosic solo motets and sonatas started to appear. The combination of solo voice with one instrument and continuo was quite common, and pieces with violin were the most common of all.
This new collection from Cordaria features cantatas for soprano, violin and basso continuo, written by composers including Samuel Capricornus, Dietrich Buxtehude, Antonio Vivaldi , Georg Phillipp Telemann and Georg Frederic Handel. |
18.00 eur Buy |
ID: STR33881 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Baroque Subcollection: Violin These works for violin, basso continuo and solo harp, taken from the 17th century Italian repertoire are experimental and innovative, exploring the possibilities on the new solo instrument of the time: the violin. At the end of the 16th century the violin emerges as a solo instrument with its own documented repertoire. 'Sonata' and 'Canzona' were sometimes used with added descriptive titles like Marco Uccellini’s La Ebrea Marinata or Biagio Marini’s Sonata Per Sonar con due corde and Sonata variata, or with dedications like Giovanni Antonio Pandolfi-Mealli’s Sonata Quarta La Biancuccia to fellowmusician il Signor Biancucci. The ensemble ARPARLA takes its inspiration from a desire to speak through music ('parla' in Italian to 'speak'), using the soft and refined sonorities of the harp and the expressive range of colours of the violin, both instruments played with historical awareness. |
18.00 eur Temporarily out of stock |