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Albert Kuvezin and Yat-Kha - Poets And Lighthouses

Albert Kuvezin and Yat-Kha - Poets And Lighthouses
ID: SKMR110-2
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Throat SingingPodkolekce: Ethno

Ethno-rock-band Yat-Kha

Lyrics to tracks 2, 4, 6 and 9 taken from "Post-War Japanese Poetry", Penguin Books, 1972.

Recorded, arranged and produced at Sound Of Jura Studio and on location on the Isle Of Jura, Scotland.
Mastered at Sound Mastering, London.

Voice [Lead], Acoustic Guitar - Albert Kuvezin
Backing Vocals - Melanie Pappenheim
Marimbula, Double Bass, Bass Harmonica - Simon Edwards
Percussion, Bells, Piano, Baglama, Backing Vocals - Giles Perring
Clarinet, Bass Clarinet - Sarah Homer
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Old Pickup ("Kochevnik") - "Nomad"

Old Pickup ("Kochevnik") - "Nomad"
ID: SKMR110-1
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Folk -Rock

Group «Old Pickup» was formed in 1999. In the Republic of Khakassia. Leader and founder of the group is to Alexandr Pakhtayev, who is also the author of music and words.

Alexandr Pakhtayev - vocals, guitar
Vasiliy Pakhtayev - backing vocals, guitar
Kirill «Garik» Kryukov - bass
Andrey Mirgorodskiy - drums
15.00 eur Buy

Vozvraschenie - Time Not Gone

Vozvraschenie - Time Not Gone
ID: SKMR109-1
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Folk -Rock


Sergey Kanunnikov - vocals, acoustic guitar
Iliya Kudryashov - backing vocals, zhaleyka, ocarina, sopilka, pimac and other wind instruments
Nikita Aleshin - bass, piano
Denis Zabavsky - balalayka, jaw-harp

Andrey Shepelev - dobro (12)
Anton Lenkov - percussion
Alexander Logunov - backing vocals (4)
Dmitry Kirsanov - percussion (2, 13)

All music by Sergey Kanunnikov, except (4) - traditional, (9) - Denis Zabavsky
All lyrics by Sergey Kanunnikov, except (1) - Sergey Kanunnikov / traditional, (4) - traditional
15.00 eur Buy

Siberia Land. Vasilyev Vecher - Russian traditional songs of the Western Siberia.

Siberia Land. Vasilyev Vecher - Russian traditional songs of the Western Siberia.
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Ruská lidová hudbaPodkolekce: Traditional

Russian traditional songs of the Western Siberia performed by “Vasilyev Vecher” group.

“Vasilyev Vecher” means St. Basil’s Day Eve, one of the most popular Russian traditional feasts. “VV” group looks for traditional culture’s place in modern life. The members of the group study vocal and dancing culture of Russian old-timers of the Western Siberia (i.e. the descendants of peasants who came there in XVI-XVIII centuries), and also their costume, cuisine, feasts, and traditional crafts.
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Vozvraschenie - Spring Land

Vozvraschenie - Spring Land
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: Folk -Rock

Genre: Rock, Folk, World, & Country

All music written by Sergey Kanunnikov

Sergey Kanunnikov - acoustic and electric guitar, voice, keyboards
Ilya Kudryashov - folk wind instruments Artem Desyatun - bass, virtual instruments Andrey Sedletskii - guitar Alex Captains - keyboards
In the acoustic composition also: Nikita Aloshin - bass Denis Zabavsky - balalaika
15.00 eur Buy

Esto Es Mundo - Lampa Ladino

Esto Es Mundo - Lampa Ladino
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Ethno

Non - traditional, Judeo - Spanish, Avant - Jazz, Dance, Fusion
15.00 eur Buy

Bubamara Brass Band - Alexander Kaštanovicć - Bubamarija

Bubamara  Brass Band - Alexander Kaštanovicć - Bubamarija
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: World MusicPodkolekce: Brass

15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Pamir - Aryan Memory Remix By Baraka

Pamir - Aryan Memory Remix By Baraka
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: World Music

World music & chill out remix`s traditional songs and music of the Pamir Mountain

Dmitry Evsikov - band leader, programming, tabala, dumbek, ghatam, bass guitar (track: 2)
Inta Broka - violin ( track: 3, 5, 6, 10, 12)
Artem Sarvi - keyboards and piano solo (track: 3), second solo (track: 7, 9)
Vilnis Kundras - tenor saxophone (track: 1, 10), alt saxophone (track: 12)
Devika Evsikova - vocal (track: 10, 12)
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock


Disk: 1
Type: CD
Kolekce: TraditionalPodkolekce: Folk Music

The Folk Music family Quartet from Petrozavodsk, Karelia, NW Russia

Russian, Finish and Karelian Folk Music
15.00 eur Buy

About Dobrynya - Bylina

About Dobrynya - Bylina
Disk: 1
Type: CD
Podkolekce: Folk Music

Ancient epic songs of the Olonets province
Bylina of Fofanov I.T. is performed by Scobelev O.A.

Dear listeners! You hold a disco with the record of “About Dobrynya” bylina, probably the first complete record of the bylina made in the 21st century. It is a reconstruction because bylinas were last recorded in traditional environment in the 1950s. Since that time performing of bylinas by native folk singers has completely stopped. This bylina was reconstructed on the basis of the old sound record of Ivan Terentievich Fofanov the famous narrator (1873-1943) who dictated the text of this bylina.
Bylina is a Russian ancient epic song. The plot of bylina is some heroic event or a remarkable episode from the Russian history. The term “bylina” was first used by I.P Saharov, folklorist (1807-1863) in the 1840s.
The first bylinas appeared probably before the Baptism of Russia (988) and they had features of very ancient pagan epic songs, which were later “Christianized”. According to the place of their origin bylinas are divided into Kiev and Novgorodian, and later All-Russian ones. The peculiar poetic language of bylinas and the way to perform them had developed for many centuries. It is considered that in old time narrators performed bylinas playing the gusli, later their performance was a type of cantillation. The basis of the special bylina’s accentual verse is commensurability of lines and stresses that result in rhythmic uniformity. Although the narrators used only few melodies they enriched them with various intonations and also they changed their timbre.
As a rule a bylina consists of three parts: the introduction, which is not directly related to the content, its aim is to prepare the audience for listening, then the main part (action) and the conclusion.
15.00 eur Buy

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