ID: GFO01065 Disk: 3 Type: CD |
Podkolekce: Opera Recorded live at Glyndebourne on 30 May 1965.
Includes 3 discs in a 175 page hard-bound book.
This recording of Der Rosenkavalier captures the intimacy of the Glyndebourne opera house preserving what is, without doubt, an engrossing performance with notable contributions from key soloists at poignant stages of their careers.
This 1965 production, first staged by Glyndebourne in 1959, was not without its casting complications. Baron Ochs was to be Manfred Jungwirth but only sang two performances due to ill health and was replaced by Otto Edelmann.
Miss Caballé was ill for the first week of rehearsals and Edith Mathis arrived at Glyndebourne announcing that she was pregnant and was not be able to sing her August performances.
Many considered Der Rosenkavalier too big a production for Glyndebourne’s intimate house. Artistic director Carl Ebert, and conductor Fritz Busch, had entertained the possibility of mounting Der Rosenkavalier pre-war, using Strauss’ own reduced orchestral version but by 1959 the volume of the theatre had been increased considerably, and this production, was hailed as one of his finest achievements, in what was Ebert’s final year at Glyndebourne.
The recording captures a stellar cast. Not only is this Caballé’s sole recording as the Marschallin on disc but preserves her Glyndebourne debut, in the same year also singing the role of the Countess in Le nozze de Figaro. The Finanical Times observed: ‘‘First praise should perhaps go to the Marschallin of Montserrat Caballé... a beautiful voice... And an eloquent presence. The role lived in her.’’ Edith Mathis as Sophie was her second appearance at the Festival, the New Statesman lauding her role as ‘‘my own favourite is Edith Mathis’ wonderfully fresh Sophie’’.
Montserrat Caballé (Die Marschallin), Teresa Żylis-Gara (Octavian), Otto Edelmann (Baron Ochs auf Lerchenau), Edith Mathis (Sophie), David Hughes (Valzacchi), John Andrew (A Singer) & John Modenos (Herr von Faninal)
The London Philharmonic Orchestra, John Pritchard
Track list:
CD: 1
Der Rosenkavalier, opera, Op. 59 (TrV 227)
1. Act 1. Einleitung
2. Act 1. Wie du warst! Wie du bost!
3. Act 1. Du bist mein Bub', du bist mein Schatz!
4. Act 1. Der Feldmarschall sitzt im crovatischen Wald
5. Act 1. Quinquin, es ist ein Besuch
6. Act 1. Selbstverständlich empfängt mich Ihro Gnaden
7. Act 1. Hat Sie schon einmal mit einem Kavalier
8. Act 1. Geben mir Euer Gnaden den Grasaff' da
9. Act 1. I komm glei... Drei arme, adelige Waisen
10. Act 1. Di rigori armato il seno
11. Act 1. Als Morgengabe - ganz separat im jedoch
12. Act 1. Mein lieber Hippolyte
13. Act 1. Da geht er hin, der aufgeblas'ne, schlechte Kerl
14. Act 1. Ach! du bist wieder da!
15. Act 1. Die Zeit, die ist ein sonderbar' Ding
16. Act 1. Mein schöner Schatz
17. Act 1. Ich werd' jetzt in die Kirchen geh'n
18. Act 1. Ich hab' ihn nicht einmal geküßt!
CD: 2
1. Act 2. Einleitung
2. Act 2. Ein ernster Tag, ein großer Tag
3. Act 2. In dieser feierlichen Stunde der Prüfung
4. Act 2. Mir ist die Ehre widerfahren
5. Act 2. Ich kenn' Ihn schon recht wohl
6. Act 2. Jetzt aber kommt mein Herr Zukünftiger
7. Act 2. Brav, Faninal, Er weiß, was sich gehört
8. Act 2. Wird kommen über Nacht
9. Act 2. Hab' nichts dawider
10. Act 2. ...was Sie ist. Mit Ihren Augen voll Tränen
11. Act 2. Eh bien, Mamsell, was hat Sie mir zu sagen?
12. Act 2. Mord! Mord! Mein Blut, zu Hilfe!
13. Act 2. Er muß mich pardonieren
14. Act 2. Sie heirat' ihn!
15. Act 2. Da lieg' ich!
16. Act 2. Ohne mich, ohne mich jeder Tag dir so bang
17. Act 2. Herr Kavalier! Den morgigen Abend hätt'i frei
CD: 3
1. Act 3. Einleitung, Pantomime
2. Act 3. Hab'n Euer Gnaden noch weitre Befehle?
3. Act 3. Nein, nein, nein, nein! I trink kein Wein
4. Act 3. Die schöne Musi!
5. Act 3. Wie die Stund' hingeht
6. Act 3. Er ist es! Er ist ein Mann!
7. Act 3. Halt! Keiner rührt sich!
8. Act 3. Zur Stelle! Was wird von mir gewünscht?
9. Act 3. Sind desto eher im Klaren!
10. Act 3. Muß jetzt partout zu ihr!
11. Act 3. Bin von so viel Finesse charmiert
12. Act 3. Luopold wir geh'n!
13. Act 3. Eh bien, hat Sie kein freundlich' Wort für mich?
14. Act 3. Heut' oder Morgen oder
15. Act 3. Marie Theres'! Hab' mir's gelobt
16. Act 3. Ist ein Traum... Spür' nur dich |
35.00 eur Buy |
ID: GFO00162 Disk: 3 Type: CD |
Podkolekce: Opera Recorded live at Glyndebourne on 9 June 1962. A rare recording of a Glyndebourne signature piece from the 1962 Festival with a vintage cast.
3 discs in 300-page hard-bound book.
Mirella Freni (Susanna), Heinz Blankenburg (Figaro), Gabriel Bacquier (Il Conte), Leyla Gencer (La Contessa), Edith Mathis (Cherubino), Carlo Cava (Bartolo), Hugues Cuénod (Basilio), John Kentish (Curzio), Derick Davies (Antonio), Maria Zeri (Barbarina)
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra & The Glyndebourne Chorus, Silvio Varviso
Product Description
Le nozze di Figaro has been Glyndebourne's `signature' opera since the company was founded in 1934. To the social satire of Beaumarchais's original play da Ponte added the sparkling bustle of Italian intrigue, and Mozart a miraculous, fizzing score whose music rings variations on the pains, pleasure and follies of the human heart. This recording of the 1962 Glyndebourne production features a vintage cast with Heinz Blankenburg in the title role, Mirella Freni as Susanna, who had made her international breakthrough at Glyndebourne the previous summer.
**Rare recording of a Glyndebourne signature piece from the 1962 Festival with a vintage cast. **Le nozze di Figaro opened the first Glyndebourne Festival in 1934 and continues to be one of the most performed works at Glyndebourne. **Libretto translated from original Italian into English, French and German. **Extensive accompanying booklet including a commissioned article about the opera and a synopsis in English, French and German. **3 discs in 300-page hard-bound book.
Track list:
Le nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro), opera, K. 492
1. Overture
2. Act 1. No. 1. Duettino. Cinque... dieci... venti...
3. Act 1. Recitative. Cosa stai misurando
4. Act 1. No. 2. Duettino. Se a caso madama la notte ti chiama
5. Act 1. Recitative. Or bene; ascolta e taci!
6. Act 1. Recitative. Bravo, signore padrone!
7. Act 1. No. 3. Cavatina. Se vuol ballare, signor contino
8. Act 1. Recitative. Ed aspettaste il giorno fissato alle sue nozze
9. Act 1. No. 4. Aria. La vendetta, oh, la vendetta
10. Act 1. Recitative. Tutto ancor non ho perso
11. Act 1. No. 5. Duettino. Via, resti servita, madama brillante
12. Act 1. Recitative. Ah! Son perduto!
13. Act 1. Recitative. Susanna, il ciel vi salvi...
14. Act 1. No. 7. Trio. Cosa sento! Tosto andate
15. Act 1. Recitative. Basilio, in traccia tosto di Figaro volate
16. Act 1. No. 8. Chorus. Giovani liete, fiori spargete
17. Act 1. No. 9. Chorus. Giovani liete, fiori spargete
18. Act 1. Recitative. Evviva!
1. Act 2. No. 11. Cavatina. Porgi, amor
2. Act 2. Recitative. Vieni, cara Susanna
3. Act 2. Recitative. Quanto duolmi, Susanna
4. Act 2. No. 12. Canzona. Voi, che sapete
5. Act 2. Recitative. Bravo! Che bella voce!
6. Act 2. No. 13. Aria. Venite, inginocchiatevi
7. Act 2. Recitative. Quante buffonerie!
8. Act 2. No. 14. Trio. Susanna, or via sortite
9. Act 2. Recitative. Dunque, voi non aprite?
10. Act 2. No. 15. Duettino. Aprite, presto, aprite
11. Act 2. Recitative. Oh guarda il demonietta!
12. Act 2. No. 16. Finale. Esci omai, garzon malnato
13. Act 2. No. 16. Finale. Scene 9. Susanna!... Susanna!... Susanna!
14. Act 2. No. 16. Finale. Scene 12. Voi signor, che giusto siete
1. Act 3. Recitative. Via, fatti core...
2. Act 3. Recitative. Ehi Susanna, ove vai?
3. Act 3. No. 19. Sextet. Riconosci in quest'amplesso
4. Act 3. Recitative. Eccovi, oh caro amico
5. Act 3. Recitative. Andiam, andiam, bel paggio
6. Act 3. Recitative. E Susanna non vien!...
7. Act 3. No. 20. Aria. Dove sono i bei momenti
8. Act 3. Recitative. Io vi dico, signor
9. Act 3. Recitative. Cosa mi narri!
10. Act 3. No. 21. Duettino. Sull'aria
11. Act 3. Recitative. Piegato è il foglio...
12. Act 3. No. 22. Chorus. Ricevete, o padroncina
13. Act 3. Recitative. Eh cospettaccio!
14. Act 3. Recitative. Signor... se trattenete tutte queste ragazze...
15. Act 3. No. 23. Finale. Ecco la marcia, andiamo!
16. Act 3. No. 23. Finale. Scene 14. Amanti costanti
17. Act 4. No. 24. Cavatina. L'ho perduta, me meschina!
18. Act 4. Recitative. Barbarina, cos'hai?
19. Act 4. Recitative. Madre! Figlio!
20. Act 4. Recitative. Presto, avvertiam Susanna
21. Act 4. Recitative. Ha i diavoli nel corpo!
22. Act 4. Recitative. Tutto è disposto
23. Act 4. No. 27. Aria. Aprite un po' quegli occhi
24. Act 4. Recitative. Signora, ella mi disse che Figaro verravi
25. Act 4. Recitative. Madama, voi tremate
26. Act 4. Recitative. Giunse alfin il momento...
27. Act 4. No. 28. Aria. Deh vieni, non tardar
28. Act 4. Recitative. Perfida! E in quella forma meco menti?
29. Act 4. No. 29. Finale. Pian pianin, le andrò più presso
30. Act 4. No. 29. Finale. Scene 12. Ecco qui la mia Susanna!
31. Act 4. No. 29. Finale. Scene 14. Non la trovo
32. Act 4. No. 29. Finale. Final Scene. Gente, gente, all'armi, all'armi! |
35.00 eur Buy |
ID: GFO00800 Disk: 3 Type: CD |
Podkolekce: Opera Recorded live at Glyndebourne in June, July and August 2000.
Includes 3 discs in a 80 page hard-bound book.
Glyndebourne’s association with the music of Benjamin Britten extends back to the early 1940s. Benjamin Britten and Glyndebourne’s then Chairman John Christie were not obvious colleagues. They had very little in common. Both were from very different backgrounds, John Christie being a recipient of the Military Cross while Britten spent World War World II years in the US as a conscientious objector. Glyndebourne staged the premiere of The Rape of Lucretia in 1946 and in the following year, the premiere of Albert Herring. After this premiere, Britten commented of Christie as “a mischievous, mad old man”. Britten wasn’t invited back, and 34 years of the Glyndebourne Festival elapsed until another of his operas Midsummer Night’s Dream was staged in 1981. Glyndebourne has gone onto acclaimed productions of The Turn of the Screw, Billy Budd, Owen Wingrave, Death in Venice, Albert Herring and this acclaimed Trevor Nunn production of Peter Grimes from 2000.
Peter Grimes premiered in London in 1945 and was the first of Britten’s operas to be a critical and popular success. This 2000 Glyndebourne production is no exception. The role of Peter Grimes is amongst the toughest company on disc, with a heritage laid down by Peter Pears and Jon Vickers. In this recording Anthony Dean Griffey has the lyricism of Peter Pears and the weight and size of voice of Jon Vickers and above all is totally convincing in entering the mental state of Grimes. Vivian Tierney is an authoritative Ellen Orford, compassionate yet lonely and vulnerable, and likewise utterly convincing.
Anthony Dean Griffey (Peter Grimes), Vivian Tierney (Ellen Orford), Steven Page (Captain Balstrode), Susan Gorton (Auntie), Camilla Tilling (First Niece), Linda Tuvas (Second Niece), John Graham-Hall (Bob Boles), Stafford Dean (Swallow), Jard van Nes (Mrs Sedley), Wolfgang Ablinger-Sperrhacke (The Rev Horace Adams), Christopher Maltman (Ned Keene), Michael Druiett (Hobson) & Michael Haughey (Dr Crabbe)
London Philharmonic Orchestra & The Glyndebourne Chorus, Mark Wigglesworth
Track list:
CD: 1
Peter Grimes, opera, Op. 33
1. Prologue. Peter Grimes!
2. Prologue. You sailed your boat round the coast
3. Prologue. Peter Grimes, I here advise you!
4. Prologue. The truth... the pity... and the truth
5. Prologue. Interlude 1 - Lento e tranquillo
6. Act 1. Scene 1. Oh, hang at open doors the net, the cork
7. Act 1. Scene 1. Hi! Give us a hand!
8. Act 1. Scene 1. I have to go from pub to pub
9. Act 1. Scene 1. Let her among you without fault
10. Act 1. Scene 1. Look, the storm cone!
11. Act 1. Scene 1. And do you prefer the storm?
12. Act 1. Scene 1. What harbour shelters peace
13. Act 1. Scene 1. Interlude 2 - Presto con fuoco
14. Act 1. Scene 2. Past time to close!
15. Act 1. Scene 2. We live and let live
16. Act 1. Scene 2. Have you heard? The cliff is down up by Grimes's hut
17. Act 1. Scene 2. Now the Great Bear and Pleiades
18. Act 1. Scene 2. Old Joe has gone fishing
19. Act 1. Scene 2. The bridge is down
CD: 2
1. Act 2. Interlude 3 - Allegro spiritoso
2. Act 2. Scene 1. Glitter of waves and glitter of sunlight
3. Act 2. Scene 1. Child you're not too young to know
4. Act 2. Scene 1. This unrelenting work
5. Act 2. Scene 1. Fool! To let it come to this!
6. Act 2. Scene 1. People! No! I will speak!
7. Act 2. Scene 1. We planned that their lives should have a new start
8. Act 2. Scene 1. Swallow! Shall we go and see Grimes in his hut?
9. Act 2. Scene 1. From the gutter
10. Act 2. Scene 2. Go there!
11. Act 2. Scene 2. Now! Now!
12. Act 2. Scene 2. Peter Grimes! Nobody here?
CD: 3
1. Act 3. Interlude 5 - Andante con moto e rubato
2. Act 3. Scene 1. Assign your prettiness to me
3. Act 3. Scene 1. Pah! Ahoy!
4. Act 3. Scene 1. Come along, Doctor!
5. Act 3. Scene 1. Embroidery in childhood was a luxury of idleness
6. Act 3. Scene 1. Mister Swallow!
7. Act 3. Scene 1. Who holds himself apart, lets his pride rise
8. Act 3. Scene 1. Interlude 6 - Lento
9. Act 3. Scene 2. Grimes! Grimes!
10. Act 3. Scene 2. Peter, we've come to take you home
11. Act 3. Scene 2. To those who pass, the Borough sounds betray |
35.00 eur Buy |
ID: GFO00709 Disk: 3 Type: CD |
Podkolekce: Opera Recorded live at Glyndebourne August 2009.
Includes 3 discs in a 76 page hard-bound book.
Lyric fairy tale in three acts: Libretto by Jaroslav Kvapil after Friedrich Heinrich Carl de la Motte Fouque's tale Undine. Dvorak's opera Rusalka reaches extraordinary heights of melodic eloquence. Rusalka is also the most consciously 'through-composed' of Dvorak's operas but this does not prevent Czech opera's most famous aria the ineffably beautiful 'Song to the Moon', being frequently extracted from the score and sung as a stand alone aria. Sometimes
thought of as a 'one aria opera', this is just one of many glorious arias for Rusalka, among them the moving first act plea, 'Your ancient wisdom everyone knows' ('Staleta moudrost tva vsechno vi'), made to the witch Jezibaba asking her to make her human, and her desolate lament 'Robbed of my youth' ('Mladosti sve pozbavena') at the start of Act 3. Rusalka is by no means a mainstay in the operatic oeuvre but this new 2009 production and recording from Glyndebourne is destined to put this much overlooked masterpiece to the forefront of romantic repertory.
The recording is aided by a stellar cast. Ana María Martínez's astonishing humanity shines through in her heart rending portrayal of Rusalka, burly tenor Brandon Jovanovich is
a handsome Prince, with real Slavic flavour added with Mischa Schelomianski as Rusalka's wise old father Vodnik, and Larissa Diadkova as the evil witch Jezíbaba, both
giving exemplary performances, with Czech conductor Jirí Belohlávek and the London Philharmonic Orchestra, giving the music a wonderful emotional intensity at all the right moments.
Ana María Martínez (Rusalka), Brandon Jovanovich (Prince), Tatiana Pavlovskaya (Foreign Princess), Mischa Schelomianski (Vodnik), Larissa Diadkova (Ježibaba), Natasha Jouhl (1st Nymph), Barbara Senator (2nd Nymph), Élodie Méchain (3rd Nymph), Diana Axentii (Kitchen Boy), Alasdair Elliott (Gamekeeper)
London Philharmonic Orchestra & The Glyndebourne Chorus, Jirí Belohlávek
Track list:
CD: 1
Rusalka, opera, B. 203 (Op. 114)
1. Prelude
2. Act 1. Hou, hou, hou
3. Act 1. I pekne vitám
4. Act 1. Hastrmánku, taticku
5. Act 1. Sem casto prichází a v objeti mé stoupé
6. Act 1. Mesícku na nebi hlubokém
7. Act 1. Ta voda studi! Jezibabo, Jezibabo
8. Act 1. Staletá moudrost tvá vsechno ví
9. Act 1. Tvoje moudrost vsechno tusí
10. Act 1. Cury mury fuk
11. Act 1. Jel mladý lovec
12. Act 1. Vidino divná, presladká
CD: 2
1. Act 2. Járku, jáku, kluce milé
2. Act 2. U nás v lese strasi
3. Act 2. Jiz týden dlís mi po boku
4. Act 2. Zda na chvili princ vzpomene si prec
5. Act 2. Festive music - Ballet
6. Act 2. Celý svet nedá ti, nedá
7. Act 2. Kvetiny bilé po ceste
8. Act 2. Rusalko, znás mne, znás?
9. Act 2. Vidís je vidís? Jsou tu zas
CD: 3
1. Act 3. Necitelná vodni moci
2. Act 3. Aj, aj? Uz jsi se navrátila?
3. Act 3. Vyrvána zivotu v hlubokou samotu
4. Act 3. Ze se bojis? Tresky, plesky
5. Act 3. Mám, zlaté vlásky mám
6. Act 3. Bilá moje lani!
7. Act 3. Milácku, znás mne, znás?
8. Act 3. Líbej mne, líbej, mir mi prej |
35.00 eur Buy |
ID: GFO00363 Disk: 3 Type: CD |
Podkolekce: Opera Michel Roux (Golaud), Denise Duval (Mélisande), Anna Reynolds (Geneviève), Guus Hoekman (Arkel), Hans Wilbrink (Pelléas), Rosine Brédy (Yniold) & John Shirley-Quirk (A Doctor)
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra & The Glyndebourne Chorus, Vittorio Gui
3 discs in 200-page hard-bound book.
Pelléas et Mélisande was Claude Debussy’s only completed opera and the fantastical, imaginary world in which it is set, shimmers with Impressionist colour brought alive by his orchestral sound-world. The opera was first produced at Glyndebourne in 1962 as a tribute to Debussy’s centenary.
The highly acclaimed cast is led by Denise Duval, the pre-eminent French soprano of the day and artistic muse of Poulenc. The renowned conductor, Vittorio Gui, had known Debussy well - indeed Debussy’s stepdaughter attended the first night - and his performances attracted glowing reviews.
This recording is taken from the 1963 revival of the production and was to be the last time Artistic Director, Carl Ebert directed at Glyndebourne. Ebert worked at Glyndebourne for 30 years and of the vast body of his work, this production of Pelléas et Mélisande was considered, by many, to be his best ever.
Previously unreleased recording of Pelléas et Mélisande from the 1963 Glyndebourne Festival conducted by Vittorio Gui with Denise Duval.
This production was the last that Carl Ebert directed at Glyndebourne.
Recorded live at Glyndebourne in the summer of 1963.
Reviews and publicity expected in national newspapers, radio and specialist music magazines.
The first two Glyndebourne releases, Prokofiev’s Betrothal in a Monastery and Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro, were greeted with critical acclaim.
The 3 CDs are packaged as a hard bound book containing a full libretto translated from the original language in English, Italian and German along with a commissioned article about the opera, and a synopsis in English, French and German.
Track list:
Pelléas et Mélisande, Opera in 5 acts, L. 88
1. Act 1. Scene 3. Il fait sombre dans les jardins
2. Act 1. Scene 3. Hoé! Hisse Hoé! Hoé! Hoé!
3. Act 2. Scene 1. Vous ne savez pas où je vous ai menée?
4. Act 2. Scene 1. C'est au bord d'une fontaine |
35.00 eur Buy |