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ID: RCD16292 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Russe école de pianist Subcollection: PianoLive in Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatoire
Date of recording: Live recording November 26, 1951 |
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ID: RCD16304 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Russe école de pianist Subcollection: Piano and Orchestra2 - Alexej Lubimov, Fortepiano by Neupert, copy after Louis Dulcken,Munich 1815
6 -10 - Alexej Lubimov, Fortepiano Blüthner, Leipzig ca 1878 |
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock |
ID: RCD16323 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Russe école de pianist Subcollection: Piano and Violin(1-6) Recorded in 1950
(7-9) Recorded in Maly Hall of the Moscow Conservatoire in October 06, 1951
(10, 11) Live recording in 1954
(3-6) Kozoloupova, Maria (violin) |
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ID: RCD16361 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Russe école de pianist Subcollection: PianoRecording in 1989 (1-4), 1987 (5-12)
Remastering: RCD, 2003
The following words of the composer himself may serve as a key to performance of Chopin’ works, “After all the difficulties have been overcome and a great number of notes have been played, simplicity appears in all its charm, as the ultimate summit of art. One has to toil hard, to do an immense work to reach this goal...” Nikolai Petrov not only displays model performance of Chopin’s ballads, skillfully conveying all the richest sound palette of the great Romanticist; his interpretation strikes with emotion and philosophical depth, sincerity and genuineness of feeling, and delivery of Chopin’s deep cordiality in music that cannot bear any slight formality in performance. Petrov’s flawless pianism is as natural as breathing, and his inimitable touch, a distinctive mark of the great Russian piano school, lets you fully enjoy the subtlest nuances of Chopinian masterpieces, the charm and poetry of Chopinian sound.
Brahms’s innovation is especially noticeable in his piano miniatures distinguished by subtle fragmentation of themes and multifaceted, contrapuntally developed texture. The composer assigned an auxiliary role to technique, avoiding meaningless virtuoso concert effects, but he could manage the instrument’s expressive resources like no one else.
In his pieces of the last period of composing, Capriccio and Intermezzo, intimate facets of the composer’s mental life are disclosed. Attitudes are conveyed flexibly and with utmost terseness, and the complex content is expressed with sparing tools, and primarily with a “speaking” turn of melodies. . As performed by Nikolai Petrov, the element of exalted romantics and psychological subtleties are combined with the power and dense sound of Brahmsian texture. The pianist's interpretation shows not only depth, but also a harmonious concept: Nikolai Petrov turns the entire composition of separate independent pieces into a single whole, into a through-composed Romanticist form based on contrasts of moods and tempos and united with a coordination of tonalities considered by Brahms himself. |
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ID: RCD16364 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Russe école de pianist Subcollection: PianoNikolaj Petrov (1943 - 2011), byl vynikající hudebník, jeden z nejznámějších světových představitelů moderní ruské klavírní školy, zaslouženě zaujímá své místo mezi nejpozoruhodnějšími hudebníky současnosti.
Již od počátků jeho koncertní činnosti si kritici všímali skutečně silného hudebního talentu, který dokáže zprostředkovat lyrická odhalení i mohutné emocionální úlety; „monumentální virtuozita“ jeho klavírní hry; snadná a bezplatná produkce zvuku a neposkvrněný vkus. Petrovovi tleskali diváci nejprestižnějších koncertních sálů, jako jsou Carnegie Hall a Albert Hall, Lincoln Center a Kennedy Center, Concertgebouw, Colon Theater a mnoho dalších. |
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ID: RCD16371 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Russe école de pianist Subcollection: Piano(1) - Record live in 1969
(2) - Recorded live at the Grand Hall of the Leningrad Philharmonic Society, January 18, 1967
(3-5) - Recorded live at the Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatoire, January 5, 1970
(6-11) - Recorded live at the Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatoire, January 6, 1954 |
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ID: RCD16389 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Russe école de pianist Subcollection: Piano(1 - 4) - Live recording in 1966
( 5,6 ) - Live recording in 1957
(7 - 9) - Live recording in 1955 |
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock |