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Choral Collection, page 6

   Found CDs: 235

ROSSINI - Petite Messe Solennelle - Helen Field, Anne-Marie Owens, Edmund Barham, Sir John Tomlinson - CBSO Chorus / Simon Halsey

ROSSINI - Petite Messe Solennelle  - Helen Field, Anne-Marie Owens, Edmund Barham, Sir John Tomlinson - CBSO Chorus / Simon Halsey
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Sacred Music
Subcollection: Vocal and Piano

World premiere of the Petite Messe Solennelle s original chamber
version with two pianos and harmonium using new OUP edition.
This recording features the entire 79-minute work on one disc,
distinguished British soloists and chorus, and two-piano playing
unrivalled on other recordings.
15.00 eur Buy

Vaughan Williams - Folk Songs of the Four Seasons

Vaughan Williams - Folk Songs of the Four Seasons
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Folk Music
Subcollection: Voices

Folk Songs of the Four Seasons - (world premiere recording)
In Windsor Forest - (world premiere recording of this arrangement for women's voices by Guthrie Foote)

Both the Folk Songs of the Four Seasons and this arrangement of In Windsor Forest are world premiere recordings. The Folk Songs of the Four Seasons is a substantial work by Vaughan Williams, over 40 minutes long, for women’s chorus and orchestra. It is the most significant of his works never to have been recorded in any format.
The Folk Songs of the Four Seasons was commissioned by the Women’s Institute and first performed in 1950. The work has a Prologue and four sections: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
The coupling is the rare arrangement for women’s voices, by Guthrie Foote and Vaughan Williams, of the Cantata In Windsor Forest based on choruses from the opera Sir John in Love.
This new Albion recording is issued to mark the 90th birthday of Sir David Willcocks on 30 December, 2009. Sir David is world famous for his recordings for EMI and for his work at King’s College, Cambridge and the Bach Choir. For Sir David to record another major Vaughan Williams disc at the age of almost 90 is remarkable in itself and will ensure national and international interest in this recording.
15.00 eur Buy

Francis Jackson - Sacred Choral Works - D. Bednall, organ - The Exon Singers - M. Owens

Francis Jackson - Sacred Choral Works - D. Bednall, organ - The Exon Singers - M. Owens
ID: DCD34035
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Choral Collection

World premiere recording

Now in his early nineties, Francis Jackson remains one of the finest, best loved and most versatile church musicians of our age. The eleven works on this disc, none of them previously recorded, have all the colour, emotional depth and attention to structural detail that are consistent hallmarks of his style. Working closely with the composer, The Exon Singers bring their customary blend of virtuosity, intense commitment and subtle responsiveness to this portrait in sound of a very special composer.

Track listing

Jackson, F:
Missa Matris Dei, Op. 72
O Salutaris Hostia, Op. 115
Tantum Ergo (second setting), Op. 118
A Hymn to God the Father
Three Carols for Advent, Op. 73
Evening Service in B flat “Hommage to Thomas Weelkes”
O Most Merciful, Op. 36
The Prayer of St Francis, Op. 61
Thanks be to the Lord

David Bednall (organ)

The Exon Singers, Matthew Owens
15.00 eur Buy

Heinrich Schütz - Sacred Choral Music - Die Vögel unter dem Himmel

Heinrich Schütz - Sacred Choral Music - Die Vögel unter dem Himmel
ID: DCD34043
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Baroque

The massed voices of the 140-strong National Youth Choir revel in the magnificently soaring lines of Schütz’s sacred music, complemented by John Kitchen’s contributions on the powerful Rieger organ of St Giles’ Cathedral, Edinburgh. Revered by his contemporaries as the ‘Orpheus of our time’, Schütz would never have heard his music performed by forces such as these and on such a scale - surely he would have been a strong advocate of this astounding aural experience. Kitchen’s solo contributions contextualise the choral music with organ works by Samuel Scheidt and other contemporaries of Schütz.

Track listing

Toccata in G

Postlude: Benedicamus Domino à 6 (modus pleno organo pedaliter)
Ein kindelein so lobelich
Da Jesus an dem Kreuze
Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, for organ, SSWV 496

Psalm 84: Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen, SWV 29
Ich weiß, daß mein Erlöser lebt, SWV 393
Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes, SWV 386
So fahr ich hin zu Jesu Christ SWV 379
Die mit Tränen säen werden mit Freuden ernten SWV 378
Psalm 130: Aus der Tiefe ruf ich, Herr, zu dir, SWV 25
Psalm 8: Herr, unser Herrscher, SWV 27
Cantate Domino canticum novum SWV 81
Deutsches Magnificat, SWV 494 'Meine Seele erhebt den Herren'
Psalm 98: Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, SWV 35
Psalm 150: Alleluja! Lobet den Herren in seinem Heiligtum SWV 38
Edward Batting (organ)

Puer nobis nascitur C 12

John Kitchen (solo organ)
The National Youth Choir of Great Britain, Mike Brewer
15.00 eur Buy

M. Davies - Sacred Choral Works - St Mary's Cathedral Edinburgh - M. Owens

M. Davies - Sacred Choral Works - St Mary's Cathedral Edinburgh - M. Owens
ID: DCD34037
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

In the 1960s few would have predicted that Peter Maxwell Davies would eventually write a set of Evening Canticles; yet religious texts have always been of fundamental importance to the composer, as this disc vividly demonstrates by bringing together sacred masterworks from both ends of his career. Tough, uncompromising and of surpassing beauty, Davies’ major contributions to the Anglican repertoire are given thrilling voice by these fearless champions of contemporary liturgical music.

Track listing

Davies, Maxwell:
Nunc Dimittis
(World Premiere recordings)
O Magnum mysterium
Three Organ Voluntaries

Michael Bonaventure (organ)
Choir of St. Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh - Matthew Owens, conductor
15.00 eur Buy

M. Wise - Sacred Choral Music - The Choir of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge

M. Wise - Sacred Choral Music - The Choir of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
ID: DCD34041
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Sacred Music

Chastised for his 'excesses in life and conversation', Michael Wise was hit about the head and 'kill'd downright' by the night watchman in Salisbury Cathedral, robbing history of one of the period's most prolific and respected composers and St Paul's Cathedral of its forthcoming Master of the Choristers.This recording, the first dedicated to Wise's music, is testament to the more respectable music making that is Wise's legacy.

The Caius singers under Geoffrey Webber serve the music with an ideally informed and energetic rigour, their second volume of music from the Restoration.They take a break from that in July when they partner the choir of Kings College, London to record Shchedrin's The Sealed Angel.

Track listing
[Verse] in D major
[Double Voluntary] in D minor

Gibbons, O:
Verses for Single Organ

[Verse] for the Organ

Wise, M:
Prepare ye the way of the Lord
How are the mighty fallen
The Lord is my shepherd
Te Deum
Jubilate Deo (Service in D minor)
O praise God in his holiness
Nunc dimittis (Service in E flat)
The ways of Zion do mourn
Awake, put on thy strength O Sion
Have pity upon me
O ye my friends
Open me the gates of righteousness
Blessed is he that considereth the poor and needy

Geoffrey Webber (conductor & solo organ) & Thomas Hewitt Jones & David Ballantyne (organ scholars)
The Choir of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
15.00 eur Buy

W. Turner - Sacred Choral Works - Choir of Gonville & Caius & Yorkshire Baroque Soloists, G. Webber

W. Turner - Sacred Choral Works - Choir of Gonville & Caius & Yorkshire Baroque Soloists, G. Webber
ID: DCD34028
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Baroque

It is easy to forget that our great English choral tradition was once silenced by Act of Parliament. The Restoration of the Monarchy in 1660 ushered in one of the finest periods of English music, though the road to recovery for church music was a slow and difficult one. William Turner, then a precocious nine year-old, went on to become one of the best known composers and singers of his day. This premiere recording presents a cross section of Turner's sacred music, ranging from small-scale liturgical works to some of his grandest creations, the Te Deum and Jubilate in D.

Julia Doyle soprano William Purefoy countertenor William Towers countertenor Paul Thompson tenor Daniel Jordan bass The Choir of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge Yorkshire Baroque Soloists (Peter Seymour director) Geoffrey Webber conductor

Track listing
W. Turner
1. Te Deum (1696)
2. Lord, thou hast been my refuge
3. My soul truly waiteth
4. Hear my prayer, O Lord
5. The Queen shall rejoice (1702)
6. Jubilate Deo (Service in E)
7. Magnificat (Service in A)
8. Nunc Dimittis (Service in A)
9. O Lord, God of hosts, hear my prayer
10. The Lord is righteous
11. Jubilate Deo (1696)

Total playing time [66:14]
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Choral Evensong From Tewkesbury Abbey - C. Etherington, organ

Choral Evensong From Tewkesbury Abbey - C. Etherington, organ
ID: DCD34019
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Choral Collection
Subcollection: Choral and Organ

For 32 years the Abbey School Choir sang daily evensong in Tewkesbury Abbey and one of their final services was captured for posterity by Delphian. In this recording swansong, the choir offers a treasurable memento of a uniquely English Office; complete with lessons and prayers, this sumptuous tapestry of Anglican jewels also includes the first recording of Gabriel Jackson’s refulgent new setting of the Evening Canticles. Reborn as Tewkesbury Abbey Schola Cantorum, the choir was immediately signed by Delphian and has embarked on a series of much-lauded recordings.

Alcock, W G:
Psalm 91 'Whoso dwelleth under the defence of the Most High'

Pieces (6): Master Tallis's Testament
Collegium Regale: Te Deum

Jackson, Gabriel:
Tewkesbury Service: Magnificat - premiere recording
Second Lesson (1 Corinthians 13)
Tewkesbury Service: Nunc Dimittis - premiere recording

Peterson, M:
Psalm 131
First Lesson (Isaiah 6: 1-8)

Statham, H:
Responses and Collects

Sancte Deus

Vaughan Williams:
Valiant for Truth
The day thou gavest (St Clement)

Vierne, L:
Toccata in B flat minor

Carleton Etherington (organ)
The Abbey School Choir, Tewkesbury, Benjamin Nicholas (director)
15.00 eur Buy

BONI PUERI - FROM THE HEART OF EUROPE - Czech Boys Choir Boni Pueri - Czech Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra Pardubice - M.Stilec

BONI PUERI - FROM THE HEART OF EUROPE - Czech Boys Choir Boni Pueri - Czech Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra Pardubice - M.Stilec
ID: UP0179
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Choral Collection
Subcollection: Choir and Orchestra

Christina Johnston - soprano (4,11)
Czech Boys Choir Boni Pueri
Pavel Hořák and Jaroslav Šlais - choirmasters
Czech Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra Pardubice
Marek Štilec - conductor
15.00 eur Buy

Taverner - Sacred choral music - Choir of St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh

Taverner - Sacred choral music - Choir of St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
ID: DCD34023
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Sacred Music

John Taverner brought the English florid style to its culmination and final flowering; his music is quite unlike anything written by his continental contemporaries and, viewed retrospectively, represents not only the culmination of one period but also the beginning of something new. In his debut recording with the critically acclaimed Edinburgh choir, Duncan Ferguson presents this music with forces akin to those of the 16th century - a small group of children and a larger number of men.The singers respond with their characteristic freshness, and an emotional authenticity born of the daily round of liturgical performance.

Dum transisset Sabbatum I
Dum transisset Sabbatum II
Leroy Kyrie
Missa Corona Spinea
O splendor gloriae

Choir of St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh, Duncan Ferguson
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

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