ID: SIGCD212 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Sacred MusicPrayers for Mankind celebrates the life and writings of Father Alexander Men, a Russian Orthodox Christian priest who, whilst being little known outside of his home country during his lifetime, has come to be hailed as a saint and martyr by thousands all over the world. 2010 marks the anniversary of what would have been his 85th Birthday, as well as 20 years since his brutal assassination on the way to a Sunday morning service.
Following years of religious suppression under the communist regime, Father Alexander Men emerged as a leading Christian and humanitarian figure in Russia, through radio and TV broadcasts and his prolific written works. These prayers, set by Russian composer Alexander Levine, capture the beauty and humanity of Men’s view of the world, and is brought vividly to life by Nigel Short’s professional chamber choir Tenebrae.
A recent review for Tenebrae (from their June disc - Figure Humaine, SIGCD197) |
18.00 eur Buy |
ID: SIGCD210 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Choral CollectionPodkolekce: Choir In 1612, Prince Henry Frederick, son of James I and heir to the thrones of England and Scotland, died from a suspected bout of typhoid fever. His untimely death inspired a massive outpouring of artistic tributes in both verse and music, reflecting the mood of a nation mourning the loss of this popular future king at just 18 years of age.
'Dialogues of Sorrow' is the second disc from early music consort group Gallicantus, here joined by lutenist Elizabeth Kenny to perform familiar masterpieces and undiscovered treasures of the late English Renaissance, composed at the time of the young prince's death. The release follows the group's critically acclaimed debut recording, 'Hymns, Psalms and Lamentations' - music by Robert White.
Reviews for Gallicantus’s 2009 disc, Hymns, Psalms and Lamentations: Sacred Music by Robert White (SIGCD134)
“Taste the final amens in Exaudiat te, Dominus, where imitative exchanges spiral in ecstasy. Impassioned, exciting music.”The Times
“What an outstanding disc … never once is there a loss of clarity, a hint of muddiness.” The Gramophone |
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ID: SIGCD249 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Choral CollectionPodkolekce: Choir Violin: Persephone Gibbs (leader; PG), Oliver Sändig (OS),
Holly Harman (HH), Benjamin Sansom (BS),
Colin Coleman, Richard Wade
Viola: Rachel Stott, Joanne Miller
Viola da gamba: Ibi Aziz (IA)
Violoncello: Jennifer Bullock
Doublebass: Elizabeth Harré
Oboe: Geoffrey Coates
Bassoon: Michael Brain
Cornett: Jamie Savan
Natural trumpet: Simon Desbruslais
Harpsichord & chamber organ: Kah-Ming Ng
Baldassari: Vienna, National Bibliothek E.M.97a (not
the Kunsthistorisches Museum as stated in New Grove
II), performing edition prepared by Jamie Savan from
original source
Berlin: Trondheim, Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers
Selkab, Biblioteket XM 23, performing edition
prepared by Jamie Savan from original source
Pepusch: Bodleian Library, Oxford University, MS
Tenbury 1131, performing edition prepared by Kah-Ming
Ng from original manuscript
Reichenauer: performing edition prepared by Kah-Ming Ng
Harpsichord by Andrew Garlick after Joannes Ruckers
(1638), ravalé.
Oboe by Marcel Ponseele (Belgium) after Thomas Stanesby
Jr (London, early 18th century).
Straight cornett in three sections by Henri Gohin (Boissy
l’Aillerie, France, 2010) after 18th-century originals, pitch
in Chorton (ie. A=466Hz).
Violin by Jacob Stainer (attrib., c.1650); bow by René
Groppe after anon. French model (c.1720).
Natural trumpet by Stephen Keavy after Johann Wilhelm
Haas (Nuremberg, c.1710-1720). |
18.00 eur Buy |
ID: IFO00086 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Organ CollectionPodkolekce: Organ P r o g r a m m :
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
* Fantasie u. Fuge g-Moll NWV 542
Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937)
* Motette: Surrexit a Mortuis (Sacerdos et Pontifex) op. 23 (1875)
à Monsieur le Chanoine R. Moissenet, Maître de Chapelle de la Cathédrale
de Dijon
für 4-6-stg. gem. Chor und 2 Orgeln
* Adagio, aus: 2ème Symphonie op. 13.2
* Motette: Regina Coeli op. 18.2 (1874) für 4-stg. gem. Doppelchor und Orgel [Chororgel]
Marcel Dupré (1886-1971)
Ave Maris Stella für Orgel solo
* Kanon in der Quarte zwischen Sopran und Bass (Moderato) op. 18.6
* Choral in tenore (Lento) op. 18.7
* Ornamentierter Choral im Stil J.S. Bachs op. 18.8
* Finale (Toccata: Animato) op. 18.9 aus: Vêpres du Commun de la Ste-Vierge
* Motette: Alma Redemptoris Mater (1958) für 4-stg. gem. Chor und Orgel op. 53.2
Jean-Jacques Grunenwald (1911-1982)
* Récit de Cornet en taille (1948)
für Orgel Solo
aus der Filmmusik: „Monsieur Vincent”
* La Mélodie intérieure (1937) aus: 2e Suite pour orgue [à mon maître Marcel Dupré]
* Motette: Tu es Petrus (1963)
für 4-stg. gem. Chor und 2 Orgeln
à Monsieur le Chanoine E. Larroire - Curé de Saint-Pierre de-Montrouge
Daniel Roth (* 1942)
Missa Brevis (1999) für 4-stg. gem. Chor und Orgel
* Kyrie (Andante)
Hommage aux compositeurs de la renaissance, dédié à Thomas Kitzig
* Gloria (Lento) dedié à Mathias Breitschaft, Domkapellmeister in Mainz
* Sanctus (Vivo) dedié à ma fille Anne Marie
* Agnus Dei (Andante)
dedié à mon fils Vincent
* Final: Te Deum für Orgel solo (1981) à mes chers Parents
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Passacaglia und Fuge in c-Moll BWV 582
Daniel ROTH - Grandes Orgues Aristide Cavaillé-Coll de Saint-Sulpice, Paris
Sophie-Véronique CHOPLIN - Orgue de chœur (A. Cavaillé-Coll & Ch. Mutin)
Mainzer Figuralchor - Direction: Stefan Weiler |
18.00 eur Buy |
ID: SIGCD267 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Choral CollectionPodkolekce: Choir Following a string of five-star reviews for their previous discs of 20th-century French choral music (Poulenc’s Figure Humaine - SIGCD197) and Renaissance polyphony (Victoria’s Requiem Mass - SIGCD248), the professional chamber-choir Tenebrae go from strength to strength with this new recording of British partsongs and choral music - centered on Hubert Parry’s Songs of Farewell.
Composed towards the end of Parry’s life, the Songs of Farewell have taken on something of an epithetical interpretation; they are almost a musical summation of his compositional life, reflecting Parry’s love of English renaissance madrigals and partsongs as much as the influence on his work from German composers like Brahms - made more complicated as these works were composed as the country (and its music) fell out of favour at the start of the Great War. This disc also includes works by Tavener, Sullivan, Holst, Rodney Bennett, Howells, Elgar and Vaughan Williams. |
18.00 eur Buy |
ID: 5060192780055 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Choral CollectionApsara, Ronald Corp. The world première of Corp's buddhist choral setting.
This powerful and inspiring new vocal work is a wonderfully contemplative new chill-out classic. It is a unique collaboration between composer Anglican priest Ronald Corp and Buddhist writer Francis Booth and this is a world premiere recording. Dhammapada means “path to the truth”. The uplifting a cappella choral music is interspersed with bells from important religious Buddhist sites. |
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ID: SIGCD205 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Podkolekce: Orchestr The conclusion to a three part-series of Igor Stravinsky‘s ballets from Sergei Diaghilev,s Ballet Russes, performed by BBC National Orchestra of Wales under Thierry Fischer. These recordings capture the excitement and vibrancy of the BBC National Orchestra of Wales in live performance at their home of BBC Hoddinott Hall, Wales.
Almost no musical work has had such a powerful influence or evoked as much controversy as Stravinsky's ballet score The Rite of Spring. The work's premiere on May 29, 1913, at the Théatre des Champs-Elysées in Paris, was scandalous. In addition to the outrageous costumes, unusual choreography and bizarre story of pagan sacrifice, Stravinsky's musical innovations tested the patience of the audience to the fullest.
This disc also features Francis Poulenc‘s ballet Les Biches, premiered at the Ballet Russes in 1924. Originally commissioned by Diaghilev to write a piece based on Glazunov‘s Les Sylphides, Poulenc instead chose to base his piece on the paintings of Watteau that depicted Louis XV and various women in his "Parc aux biches" |
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ID: SIGCD262 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: World Premiere RecordingIncludes the world premiere recordings of Alone by Eric Whitacre, and High Flight, anyone lived in a pretty how town and Days by Bob Chilcott
A must-have for choral-aficionados everywhere that sees perhaps the world’s finest a cappella ensemble The King’s Singers join forces with The Concordia Choir - one of the USA’s best collegiate groups - to perform works by choral composers Eric Whitacre, Bob Chilcott and Morten Lauridsen.
One of the world’s most celebrated ensembles, The King’s Singers have a packed schedule of concerts, recordings, media and education work that spans the globe. Championing the work of young and established composers, they remain consummate entertainers; a class-act with a delightfully British wit. From Gesualdo and György Ligeti to Michael Bublé, The King’s Singers are instantly recognisable for their spot-on intonation, their impeccable vocal blend, the flawless articulation of the text and incisive timing.
The Concordia Choir of Moorhead, Minnesota is one of America’s finest a cappella choirs. Since 1920, the 72-voice choir has performed in nearly every major hall including Carnegie Hall and Kennedy Center and has taken numerous international tours. The Choir is broadcast throughout the United States on public radio stations and on television via its Emmy-award winning Concordia Christmas Concert. |
18.00 eur Buy |
ID: SIGCD254 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Podkolekce: Voices and Orchestra Beethoven’s euphoric Symphony No.9, like his symphony No.5, is one of those pieces of classical music which transcends the barrier between musical genres - one of the few pieces of the classical canon in the popular consciousness. Few can fail to be uplifted and caught up in the joyous Ode to Joy finale. For this performance, recorded live at the Edinburgh International Festival in 1994, the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment were joined by the renowned conductor and long-time collaborator, Sir Charles Mackerras, a partnership between him and the OAE that lasted almost a quarter of a century.
This is Signum’s second release with the OAE, following a release of Monteverdi’s Vespers (SIGCD237) earlier this year. The next release, planned for December, will feature Sarah Connolly performing Mahler’s Totenfier and Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen with the OAE under Vladimir Jurowski. |
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ID: RK9606 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: RenaissanceErst nach dem Tod des prunksüchtigen Herzogs Albert V. von Bayern im Jahre 1584 konnten die bereits 1559 in seinem Auftrag entstandenen Bußpsalmen-Motetten, die er zeitlebens jeder Öffentlichkeit entzog, gedruckt werden. Lasso wählte als übergreifende Idee die Ordnung nach den 8 Kirchentonarten; dafür fügte er den sieben Bußpsalmen einen weiteren Text hinzu, den 148. Psalm. Für diese CD wurden der 1., 3., 6. und 7. Bußpsalm ausgewählt. Die elf Sänger interpretieren diese überaus subtile Musik mit feiner Sensibilität, die melodischen Linien schweben gleichsam im Raum der romanischen Basilika des Klosters Lehnin. Als besonders reizvoll erweist sich die gemischt solistisch-chorische Besetzung des Ensembles. So entsteht ein Gesamtklang, in dem Individualität und Fülle verschmelzen und das Hören dieser CD zu einem meditativen Erlebnis wird. |
18.00 eur Temporarily out of stock |