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Choral Collection, page 10

   Titels gefunden: 235

Russian Choral Music of the 17th-18th cc - Vladislav Chernushenko

Russian Choral Music of the 17th-18th cc - Vladislav Chernushenko
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Choral CollectionSubkolektion: Choir

15.00 eur Buy

Russian Naval Songs - Male Choir of the Valaam Singing Culture Institute - I. Ushakov

Russian Naval Songs - Male Choir of the Valaam Singing Culture Institute - I. Ushakov
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Choral CollectionSubkolektion: Choir

Russian Naval Songs - Golden Series of Russian Choral Music
Series: Golden series of Russian choral music
15.00 eur Buy

S. Rachmaninov - Liturgy of St.John Chrysostom, Op. 31 - St. Petersburg State Capella Choir - V. Chernushenko

S. Rachmaninov - Liturgy of St.John Chrysostom, Op. 31 - St. Petersburg State Capella Choir - V. Chernushenko
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Choral CollectionSubkolektion: Choir

15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

J.G. RHEINBERGER - S. KARG-ELERT - J. BRAHMS - Organ of the Catholic Cathedral - of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Mary

J.G. RHEINBERGER - S. KARG-ELERT - J. BRAHMS - Organ of the Catholic Cathedral - of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Mary
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Choral CollectionSubkolektion: Voice and Organ

Grigory Varshavsky, organ
Marina Chernousova, soprano (11, 13, 20)
Vladimir Shulyakovsky, violin (20, 21)
15.00 eur Buy

Russian folk Songs Rozhdestvo - Choir of Solo Singers of St. Petersburg Philharmonia - Rozhdestvo

Russian folk Songs Rozhdestvo - Choir of Solo Singers of St. Petersburg Philharmonia - Rozhdestvo
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Choral CollectionSubkolektion: Choir

15.00 eur Buy

S. RACHMANINOV - Liturgy of St.John Chrysostom, Op.31 - The "Rozhdestvo" Choir of Solo Singers Olga Stupneva

S. RACHMANINOV - Liturgy of St.John Chrysostom, Op.31 - The "Rozhdestvo" Choir of Solo Singers Olga Stupneva
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Choral CollectionSubkolektion: Choir

The “Rozhdestvo” Choir of Soloists, numbering twelve fine singers, offers a distinctly “chamber” rendition of Rachmaninoff’s Liturgy of St John Chrysostom. In some passages this means the choir sings one voice on a part. As a result, the textures and individual lines of Rachmaninoff’s choral score emerge with an extra clarity (despite a somewhat muffled recording technique) that is sometimes lacking in recordings by larger choirs. The ensemble achieves an impressive range of dynamic shadings, but unfortunately, their intonation proves to be fragile at times. The booklet (in Russian and English) contains very interesting period reviews and critical perspectives of Rachmaninoff’s first attempt to write a major sacred work-these alone are worth the price of the CD! There are no text translations given, however. This disc is available in limited quantities and will likely not be available in the future. Don’t miss this opportunity to own another recording and gain another perspective of Rachmaninoff’s early masterpiece.
15.00 eur Buy

R.SHCHEDRIN - The Sealed Angel

R.SHCHEDRIN - The Sealed Angel
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Choral CollectionSubkolektion: Voice and Choir

„The Sealed Angelů (1988) a Russian Liturgy based on Nikolai Leskov with canonical texts in
Church Slavonic for mixed chorus a cappella, soloists and shepherd's pope.
Artistic director and conductor Lev Kontorovich

Ekaterina Grebeniukova, flute
Ekaterina Demidova, soprano (3, 6)
Evgenia Kurova, soprano (7)
Aleksandre Rzhevtseva, mezzo-soprano (3, 6, 7)
Andrei Bashkov, tenor (3, 6)

The Grand Choir - Masters of Choral Singing
Artistic director and conductor Lev Kontorovich
15.00 eur Buy

Oscar Chamber Choir: Don't Be afraid of the Dark

Oscar Chamber Choir: Don't Be afraid of the Dark
ID: CDA1658-2
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Choral CollectionSubkolektion: Christmas Music

Chrismas songs with the Oscar Chamber Choir. Perhaps you would consider these songs to be too much Swedish local Chrismas songs.. Some of them definitely holds a place in classical repertoare in general, for instance the Bossi, Cantate Domine, with it´s fantastic solemn beginning with brass.
16.00 eur Buy

R. Shchedrin - The Sealed Angel

R. Shchedrin - The Sealed Angel
ID: MELCD1002070
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Choral CollectionSubkolektion: Choir

The Sealed Angel is choral music after Nikolai Leskov for mixed choir a capella with reed (flute) in 9 movements, Op. 1988 and is performed in the Church Slavonic language. It is one of the most significant choral works by modern classic Rodion Shchedrin.

Shchedrin uses texts of Orthodox prayers and fragments from service books but does not adhere to any strictly dogmatic text The music is performed by two outstanding choirs - the State Academic Russian Choir and the Moscow Choir conducted by Vladimir Minin.

Alexander Golyshev (flute), Tatiana Zhdanova (mezzo), Lolita Semenina (soprano), Natalia Belova (soprano), Alexander Illarionov (alto), Alexeye Alexeyev (tenor)

State Academic Russian Choir & The Moscow Chamber Choir, Vladimir Minin
16.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

P.I. TCHAIKOVSKY - 16 Songs for Childrens, Op. 54

P.I. TCHAIKOVSKY - 16 Songs for Childrens, Op. 54
ID: MELCD1002436
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Kolektion: Choral CollectionSubkolektion: Choir and Piano

The Boys Choir of the Glinka Choir College
Conductor - Vladimir Begletsov
Alexey Goribol, piano
16.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Kunde: ungemeldet

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