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Vocal Collection, page 6

   Les titres retrouvé: 527

J. Brahms - Four Serious Songs: S. Lorenz, baryton - N. Shelter, piano

J. Brahms - Four Serious Songs: S. Lorenz, baryton - N. Shelter, piano
ID: AV2100209
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Vocal Collection
Subcollection: Vocal and Piano

15.00 eur Buy

J. Haydn - Songs and Cantatas - S. Ryden, soprano - M. Tatlow, keyboard

J. Haydn - Songs and Cantatas - S. Ryden, soprano - M. Tatlow, keyboard
ID: CP039
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Vocal Collection
Subcollection: Vocal and Piano

15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

B. Tishchenko - Symphony No. 6, Op. 105

B. Tishchenko - Symphony No. 6, Op. 105
CDs: 1
Type: CD
St. Petersburg Musical Archive

And finally, a new recording of music of Boris Tishchenko has been released; it is his Sixth Symphony, a monumental masterpiece to words by A. Naiman, A. Akhmatova, M. Tsvetaeva, O. Mandelshtam, and V. Levinzon. In memory of E. A. Mravinsky

CD series “St. Petersburg Musical Archive”
“St. Petersburg Musical Archive” is a series dedicated to St. Petersburg’s 300th anniversary. Many of the works in this series will be CD premieres, and many of the recordings will introduce famous St. Petersburg musicians, composers and ensembles as well as new performing artists. The “St. Petersburg Musical Archive” series includes rediscovering forgotten works - both of the 19th and 20th centuries.
15.00 eur Buy

From another American - Songs of America - Music by Ward • Warren • Youmans • Johnson • Gordon • Ellington

From another American  - Songs of America - Music by Ward • Warren • Youmans • Johnson • Gordon • Ellington
ID: GMCD7247
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Vocal Collection
Subcollection: Vocal and Piano

The many facets of the USA are what makes up its greatness. To alienate any one of these facets is to cut our nose off in spite of itself. The perspective of one is as important as the perspective of the "whole". Let us pray for the individual who strives to be heard and great, and remember the many facets available to us.
Reverend Al Sharpton
15.00 eur Buy

Hesperos • 20th Century Songs - Switzerland • Music by Schoeck • Schütter • Scartazzini

Hesperos • 20th Century Songs - Switzerland • Music by Schoeck • Schütter • Scartazzini
ID: GMCD7254
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Vocal Collection

Recorded: Theodor-Egel-Saal Ebnet, Freiburg/Germany 16.-17.1.02 Schoeck/Schütter - 4.5.02 Scartazzini
15.00 eur Buy

NELLA ANFUSO - Sigismondo D’India - Madrigali

NELLA ANFUSO - Sigismondo D’India - Madrigali
ID: SN8828
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Vocal Collection
Subcollection: Voices

Elena Polonska - Renaissance harp
15.00 eur Buy

Around the World with Anton Karas

Around the World with Anton Karas
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Vocal Collection

Various: Santa Lucia - Arivederci Roma - Barbaberi - O sole mio; Harry lime theme - Wien nur du allein - Der alte Stephansturm - Deutschmeister; Ländler folge - Jösele - Appenzeller - Bernerland - Züricher Sechse Läten Marsch - Schwedenmädel; Tulpen aus Amsterdam - Hollandmädel; Griechischer Tango; Die Welt war nie so schön - Über die Prairie - Sweetheart - Que sera sera - Unter dem Sternenbanner; Musettwalzer - La Seine - Domani - La vie en rose - Komm zurück; La PAloma - Ricardo; River Kwai Marsch - Abschiedswalzer - Rumänisch; Ritka Buza - Az a Szép - Kurtizálok; Habe Mitleid - Abendglocken - Persischer Marsch; Lili Marleen - Berlinek Luft - Unter den Linden - Kleine Mädchen müssen schlafen gehn - Berlin blebt doch Berlin; Wie mein Anno 20 Jahr - Der traurige Sonntag - Hüahi alter Schimmel - Nechledilmarsch; Weisses Rösssel - Wiener Spezialitäten - Tanzen möcht ich - Machen wir es den Schwalben nach
15.00 eur Buy

NELLA ANFUSO - Monodia Toscana (XVI - XVII sec.)

NELLA ANFUSO - Monodia Toscana (XVI - XVII sec.)
ID: SN8809
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Vocal Collection
Subcollection: Voices

15.00 eur Buy

NELLA ANFUSO - Jacopo Peri - Arie e Lamenti I

NELLA ANFUSO - Jacopo Peri - Arie e Lamenti I
ID: SN8818
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Vocal Collection
Subcollection: Voice and Organ

15.00 eur Buy

NELLA ANFUSO - Claudio e Francesco Monteverdi - Scherzi e Arie

NELLA ANFUSO - Claudio e Francesco Monteverdi - Scherzi e Arie
ID: SN8820
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Vocal Collection

15.00 eur Buy
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