ID: DVD985 CDs: 1 Type: DVD |
Collection: Opera & Vocal Collection Subcollection: Voices and OrchestraPicture Format: 16:9
Sound Format: Dolby Digital Stereo
Subtitles: none
Region Code: 0 (wordwide)
DVD Format: DVD 5
Duration: 67 mins |
27.00 eur Buy |
ID: KAI0012342 CDs: 2 Type: CD |
Collection: Opera Collection Subcollection: Voices and OrchestraMusiktheater in 13 Bildern nach Leonora Carrington
Librettofassung von Elfriede Jelinek in der Übersetzung
von Heribert Becker (1997-99)
It is a sadistic family story in scurrile-surreal snap shots. The home of an odd family stands in a completely remote, heathlike landscape. This somewhat dilapidated bourgeois house in its seclusion is refuge and madhouse at the same time; here, in the bizarre impressions of family life, the focus turns on people and nature: an outer world, drowning in violence, coldness and terror, and the small, inner world of a bourgeois family, regulated right to the last corner, but abruptly toppled into chaos, when couples and generations come to be at logger-heads about their unappeased longings and desires.
Includes booklet with text by Olga Neuwirth and Thomas Jonigk |
28.00 eur Buy |
ID: KAI0012612 CDs: 2 Type: CD |
Collection: Vocal Collection Subcollection: Voices and OrchestraLied der Lieder (Canto VIII), oratorio for soli, choir, orchestra and live-electronic music
Michael Alber, chorus master
“Shir hashirim ashira li shlomo”, the “Song of Songs” is heard at the beginning, sung in Hebrew, the title. At first, written in the score, a Koan, a Zen Buddhist maxim.... The composition Shir Hashirim is basically open, but it is not undefined. It is a result of Hans Zender‘s reflections over a period of many years concerning technical, compositional questions, which have led to an independent system of harmonics, here carried out for the first time. His works since then all have an unmistakable compositional stamp. (Isabel Mundry)
Includes booklet with text by Isabel Mundry |
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ID: KAI0012512 CDs: 2 Type: CD |
Collection: Vocal Collection Luigi Nono No hay caminos, hay que caminar … Andrej Tarkowskij (1987) “Wayfarer, there is no path. Yet you must walk”, in Spanish: “Caminante, no hay caminos. Hay que caminar.” These words are the contents of an inscription, which Luigi Nono read on the wall of a monastery in Toledo in the middle of the 1980s. They must have affected him most deeply, since in the last three years of his life he made them the basis of the titles of a trio of works. In “Hay que caminar” he surely recognized his own lifelong principle of continual creative restlessness, of perpetually being en route, which guided him from the outset. For a long time this was perhaps unconscious, but during the several years’ incubation of Prometeo it took conscious shape in the presentation of a route-less wayfaring that directs everything. An observation from 1981 is characteristic of this consciousness. For him it was primarily to do with the attempt “to find something, but not something certain.” The central piece of the trilogy mentioned above is No hay caminos, hay que caminar … Andrej Tarkowskij.
Nono dedicated the piece to the Russian film director Andrej Tarkowskij, outlawed from his own country, perhaps in view of the film Nostalghia, which has as its theme the search “for something, which perhaps doesn’t exist”... (Josef Häusler)
Includes booklet with text by Josef Häusler |
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ID: KAI0012282 CDs: 2 Type: CD |
Collection: Vocal Collection Subcollection: Voices and OrchestraThe event: Helmut Lachenmann's extraordinary music theatre, in a new production by the Stuttgart Opera, performed in Paris, is available here for the first time on CD. The precursor: Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale. The little girl, who freezes to death on New Year's Eve, experiences a brief moment of happiness, as she dies, thanks to the matches....the sweet wretchedness is transposed into the existential sphere, but also into contemporary history. Texts by the German terrorist Gudrun Ensslin ensure that. The music is marked by intense physicality and sensuality.
Includes booklet with text by Helmut Lachenmann |
28.00 eur Buy |
ID: KAI0012772 CDs: 2 Type: DVD |
Subcollection: Chamber EnsembleRegion Code: PAL.Region 0, Plays in all territories
Menu screens: English, German
Color mode: Colour
Screen Format: 4:3 - ('Normal' TV), 16:9
DVD Format: DVD 5
Duration: 175 mins
Subtitles: none
Sound Format: Dolby 2.0 and 5.1
Georgette Dee: soprano Ensemble Modern, Soundforum Vienna: orchestraFlora & Olga Neuwirth: directors, actorsQuaye Brothers: animation
The moving picture and all its artistic possibilities are dominant in Neuwirth's work. This DVD gives insight into her projects from 1991 to today, exploring a broad variety of work from animated films to music project The Long Rain. Soprano Georgette Dee, Ensemble Modern, and Soundforum Vienna are featured. Flora and Olga Neuwirth direct with animation by Quaye Brothers. Also included is music from Canon of Funny Phases, Durch Luft und Meer, Symphonie Diagonate, The Calligrapher, Miramondo Multiplo, Disenchanted Time, No More Secrets No More Lies, and Gefahr Bar. |
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ID: QTZ2017 CDs: 2 Type: CD |
Subcollection: Voices and OrchestraAnna Leese - soprano (Mary)
Louise Poole - mezzo-soprano (Mary Magdalene)
Andrew Staples - tenor (John)
Colin Campbell - baritone (Peter)
Robert Rice - baritone (Judas)
Roderick Williams - baritone (Jesus)
The years 1898-1900 for Elgar saw the composition of The Dream of Gerontius which represented a new style of oratorio in which a continuous musical flow replaced the customary division into separate arias and choruses.
He embarked seriously on The Apostles in 1902 and the first performance took place in October of the following year at the Birmingham Festival conducted by Hans Richter. Elgar himself conducted performances in 1914 and again in 1922 in Canterbury Cathedral where this performance was given. As with Handel's Messiah Elgar's work was to have been in three parts, though it soon became apparent that it was going to be far too long for one oratorio, and the third part became the starting point for The Kingdom. This piece grew in its turn and the project became one for three oratorios; the first The Apostles, concerned with the apostles' relationship with the earthly Jesus, the second, The Kingdom, with the period after the crucifixion and the coming of the Holy Ghost, and the third, which never came to be written, on Judgment and the Life Everlasting.
Another influence is to be found in Wagner who built up his scores from a pattern of leit-motifs. In his analysis of The Apostles, Jaeger identified and named about sixty such themes, though he came under criticism from Ernest Newman (a leading Wagner authority) for being too obsessional in this respect, and even Elgar himself felt that Jaeger had taken this aspect of the work further than was really justified, since the themes, while being a strong structural element in the music, lacked the immediately identifiable symbolism of Wagner's motifs. The two composers' compositional methods were very different: Wagner completed his libretto first, allocating fragments of melody to particular ideas and incorporating them into the score at significant moments, for Elgar the musical development was pre-eminent he was by nature a symphonic, rather than an operatic composer. |
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ID: STR57012 CDs: 2 Type: CD |
Subcollection: OpéraA new chapter in the Ricordi Oggi series, the collection that enacts the strong partnership between Stradivarius and the prestigious Casa Ricordi publishing house.
This world première recording is dedicated to Luca Francesconi and his Ballata, a two-act opera whose libretto, by Umberto Fiori, is based upon S. T. Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Francesconi confirms his particular confidence for large-scale musical thought, rather than merely show a flair for illustrative brilliance.
"Coleridge’s Mariner confronts a natural world that is implacably adverse, one that [...] remains magnificently indifferent to its needs. To respond to that requires a sense of pacing, of large-scale dynamic proportion, that must prevail over any proclivity to exuberant detail.[...] That sense of scale [...] is everywhere in Francesconi’s recent work. [...] Fiori’s fine libretto is so constructed as to allow for the enchained series of numbers that are integral to that form of dramaturgy, because they pace the opera’s progress through a sequence of images and actions whose synopsis could be presented in a few, trite sentences, but whose power and resonance can only be felt when worked through at the slow, remorseless pace common to Francesconi’s opera, and Coleridge’s poem” David Osmond-Smith, liner notes.
Thanos Adamopoulos, concertmaster
Renato Balsadonna, chorus- master |
28.00 eur Temporarily out of stock |