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Choir, page 7

   Found CDs: 540


CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Songs Of The Russian Imperial Guard - Igor Ushakov, coductor

Songs Of The Russian Imperial Guard - Igor Ushakov, coductor
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Wartime Music
Subcollection: Choir

15.00 eur Buy

Gregorian chants Vol. II.- The Brotherhood of St. Gregory Choir

Gregorian chants Vol. II.- The Brotherhood of St. Gregory Choir
ID: LSM384014
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

1. Sanctus
2. Introit
3. Kyrie Eleison
4. Gloria
5. Gradual
6. Alleluia
7. Nos Autem
8. Gospel
9. Credo
10. Offertory
11. Hosanna
12. Pater Noster
13. Te Deum
14. Recessional
15.00 eur Buy

The Catholic Mass - The Brotherhood of St. Gregory Choir

The Catholic Mass - The Brotherhood of St. Gregory Choir
ID: LSM383987
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

1. Kyrie
2. Gloria in Excelsis Deo
3. Credo 3
4. Sanctus
5. Benedictus
6. Agnus Dei
7. O Quam Gloriosum
8. Salve Regina
9. Attende Domine
10. O Filli Et Filliae
15.00 eur Buy

P. Chesnokov - Vaspers, Op. 44. Six Concertos

P. Chesnokov - Vaspers, Op. 44. Six Concertos
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

15.00 eur Buy

Paliashvili - Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Paliashvili - Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
ID: MKM153
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Russian Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

Priest: Father Alexei Godunov, Komstantin Semyonov
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

The Symbol of Faith - Leningrad Chamber choir, Ye. Talisman, piano

The Symbol of Faith - Leningrad Chamber choir, Ye. Talisman, piano
ID: MKM134
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Russian Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

Lina Mkrtchyan, contralto Leningrad Chamber choir (1-7) Ye. Talisman, piano (8-27)
15.00 eur Buy

Chesnokov - Requiem No.2 - Cantus Sacred Ensemble

Chesnokov - Requiem No.2 - Cantus Sacred Ensemble
ID: MKM154
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

Preiests: Father Alexei Godunov, Konstantin Semyonov
Soloist: Olga Slovesnova (3,13,14), Mikhail Falkov (2,3,6,9,13,14)
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Hail Mary - Akathistos Russian Choir

Hail Mary - Akathistos Russian Choir
ID: PPS27001
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

NOTE: The disc is ordered into the 15 decades of the Rosary, each with a repeated chanted prayer (Our Father), poem recited by Derieva, and a chant or hymn. Archangelsky's hymn is repeated each alternate decade, so that the disc as a whole can be used as a substantial devotional aid.
15.00 eur Buy

The Divine Wisdom of St. Sofia Praise We in Chants - A. D. Kastal'skij - D. S. Bortniansky, etc...

The Divine Wisdom of St. Sofia Praise We in Chants - A. D. Kastal'skij - D. S. Bortniansky, etc...
ID: RCD15024
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Russian Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

It is sung in Old Slavonic Language.

Devoted to the 10th anniversary of the revival of the Suzdal Holy Virgin’s Protecting Veil
15.00 eur Buy
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