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Choir, page 45

   Found CDs: 540

Today Is The Beginning of Our Salvation, O People All-Night Vigil For The Feast of The Nativity of The Mother of God

Today Is The Beginning of Our Salvation, O People All-Night Vigil For The Feast of The Nativity of  The Mother of God
ID: VOL.37.0
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

21.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

The All-Night Vigil Service - The Choir of the Kiev Theological Academy and Seminary - Dmitry Bolgarsky

The All-Night Vigil Service - The Choir of the Kiev Theological Academy and Seminary - Dmitry Bolgarsky
ID: VOL.41.0
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

This is the first CD of the «Hymns of the Laura of the Caves in Kiev» anthology performed by the choir of the Kiev Theological schools.
The solemn chants of the Laura are a living witness to the old tradition of singing. They are distinguished by inner power and beauty of music and have particular features of their own, such as a vividly expressed melodism and flexible musical fabric.
These hymns are performed on a very professional level and give the listeners an opportunity to get acquainted with the treasure-trove of the culture of liturgical singing of the Laura.
You will hear the selected hymns of the All-Night Vigil, stanza, troparion and exaltation to Ss Fathers of the Caves and also music without words - the ringing of bells of the Great Belfry of the Laura and the Belfry of the Near Caves.
Colour booklet (8 pages) in Russian and English on the history of singing of the Laura of the Caves in Kiev.
21.00 eur Buy

Hymns Of The All-Night Vigil - Metropolitan Choir of the Holy Assumption Laura of the Caves in Kiev - M.S.Litvinenko

Hymns Of The All-Night Vigil - Metropolitan Choir of the Holy Assumption Laura of the Caves in Kiev - M.S.Litvinenko
ID: VOL.39.0
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

The Metropolitan Choir of the Holy Assumption Laura of the Caves in Kiev - conducted by M.S.Litvinenko

This CD, recorded by the Metropolitan choir of the Laura of the Caves in Kiev, contains hymns of the All-Night Vigil, troparion for the Nativity of Christ and the stanza for the Nativity of Christ «The Angels rejoice». You will hear pieces by different authors, such as Archpriest P.Turchaninov, Archimandrite Feofan, Guiseppe Sarti and others, who belong to different schools of religious music. You will hear a wonderful solo by the precentor of the choir M.S.Litvinenko in the famous hymn «Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace?» and a duet of beautiful female voices in «Hail, O Virgin Mother of God» and in «My soul doth magnify the Lord». The solo by A.Nagornaya in «Praise ye the Name of the Lord» will undoubtedly give pleasure to the listeners.
Colour illustrated booklet (16 pages) in Russian and English with a detailed description of the All-Night Vigil service.
21.00 eur Buy

Today Christ is Born of The Virgin in Bethlehem

Today Christ is Born of The Virgin in Bethlehem
ID: VOL.44.0
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

The combined Choir of the Holy Assumption Laura of the Caves in Kiev and the Kiev Theological Academy and Seminary conducted by Hierodeacon Kirill (Borisevich)

The Nativity of Christ is one of the greatest Christian feasts, which announces the great mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God - the Saviour of the world. The angelic hymn «Glory to God in the highestľ» resounds with a particular solemnity. Other hymns are also imbued with festive exultation.
Recorded in the second part of the CD are carols - old folk songs, which are traditionally sung at Christmastide with the wishes of riches, well being and good health. Carols, which are characterized by the naive simplicity of words, the warm and heartfelt music, are becoming increasingly popular.
Colour booklet (16 pages) in Russian and English with a narration on the Nativity of Christ.
21.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

The Blessed Sabbath - Precentor of the Monastic Choir of the Valaam Monastery - H. German (Ryabtsev)

The Blessed Sabbath - Precentor of the Monastic Choir of the Valaam Monastery - H. German (Ryabtsev)
ID: VOL.22.0
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

On the eve of Great Saturday, which is also called the blessed Sabbath, the office of the burial of the Saviour is celebrated, which begins with the troparions «The Noble Joseph», «When Thou didst descend…» and «The Myrrh-Bearing Women». After that «The Evlogitaria» are sung before the Shroud, which has been brought into the middle of the church from the sanctuary. Special verses are read which express the grief and awe of the Christian soul before the God-Man.

The Divine Liturgy is celebrated after Vespers on Saturday morning. Its hymns call people to think about the time from the death of Christ on the Cross and His burial to His Resurrection from the dead. «Let all mortal flesh keep silence», sung in place of the Cherubic hymn, reminds us of the redemptive act of the Saviour. Equally moving and beautiful are «Weep not for Me, O Mother» and «The Thrice-Holy» accompanied by bell-ringing.

The monastic choir sings these hymns in Byzantine, Znamenny, Valaam, Bulgarian and Greek chants with deep feeling, restraint and grief, as befits Lent.

Colour booklet 4 pages.
21.00 eur Buy

The Valaam Monastic Rule - Precentor of the Monastic Choir of the Valaam Monastery - H. German (Ryabtsev)

The Valaam Monastic Rule - Precentor of the Monastic Choir of the Valaam Monastery - H. German (Ryabtsev)
ID: VOL.19.0
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

Music, Prayers
The reading and singing of the Valaam monastic rule are imbued with a special prayerful mood characteristic for daily life of the monks.
It could well happen that while listening to this small choir your will join it in singing «O Most Sweet Jesus, save us, the sinners» and «O Most Holy Mother of God, save us, the sinners».
Colour booklet 4 pages
21.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

The Imnermost Way - Hierodeacon German (Ryabtsev)

The Imnermost Way - Hierodeacon German (Ryabtsev)
ID: VOL.16.0
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

Precentor of the Monastic Choir of the Valaam Monastery - Hierodeacon German (Ryabtsev)

The monastic life and heroism of the spirit are likened to the way of the Cross in both sense of responsibility and difficulty. The hymns of the CD as if show the landmarks on this innermost way: the call to monastic life (Ringing of the bells), the taking of monastic vows («Open Thy fatherly embrace» and the Cherubic hymn), repentance and temperance in monastic life (Penitential verses), and the end of monastic deeds and earthly life (stanza for the burial of monks and «May your memory be eternal»).
The hymns, which resound with austerity, introduce the listener to the mystical realm of the monks" life, as their works and deeds are hidden form an outsider"s eye.
Colour booklet (8 pages) in the Russian and English languages with a short narration on the monastic life and the recorded hymns.
21.00 eur Buy

Attend, O Heaven - Penitential verses for eight tones znamenny chant of the 17th cen. - Precentor H. German (Ryabtsev)

Attend, O Heaven - Penitential verses for eight tones znamenny chant of the 17th cen. - Precentor H. German (Ryabtsev)
ID: VOL.12.0
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

The CD receives its title from the first words of the theme-song of the Great Canon of St.Andrew of Crete and contains penitential verses set to music.
They are performed by 8 voices in Znamenny chant of the 17th century in a traditionally strict church style and help the listener to understand how one can become conscious of his unworthiness before the Creator and of the necessity to beseech His almighty help in Christian life and in monastic life in particular.
Colour booklet (20 pages) with the views of Valaam and religious verses.
21.00 eur Buy

SOBOR - Collection of Liturgical Hymns of The Orthodox Churches of Different Nations

SOBOR - Collection of Liturgical Hymns of The Orthodox Churches of Different Nations
ID: VOL138.0
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

(14, 15a) Znamenny chant
(5, 8, 10, 13 ) Bulgarian chant
(6, 9, 11, 15c) Serbian chant
(1, 15 b) Byzantine chant
(2, 7, 12, 15d) Kartalino-Kakhetian (Georgian) chant
(3) Putevoy three-part line chant
21.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

The Akathistos Hymn to The Mother Of God - The Akathistos Hymn to The Most Sweet Jesus

The Akathistos Hymn to The Mother Of God - The Akathistos Hymn to The Most Sweet Jesus
ID: VOL.28.0
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Collection: Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

Precentor of the Monastic Choir of the Valaam Monastery Hierodeacon German (Ryabtsev)

The Akathists to the Most Sweet Jesus and the Mother of God are a vivid expression of Russian piety and a special love of the Russian Orthodox Christians to this kind of prayers, which has become an important part of the daily rule.
The Akathist to the Most Sweet Jesus expresses the pious reverence and humility of Christians at the mystery of the coming to the world of the Son of God and His Incarnation. His deed of redemption, Resurrection and Ascension are glorified in the Akathist. Being aware of his sinfulness, the worshipper hopes for the all-forgiving love and mercy of Christ the Saviour.
The Akathist to the Mother of God expresses the firm belief of the Orthodox people in Her prayers and intercession for humanity before Her Divine Son.
These akathists are the earliest in Orthodox hymnology. It was on this pattern that many other akathists were composed, particularly to the icons of the Mother of God and to many saints.
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