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Choir, page 11

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Orthodox Wedding Ceremony - and New-Year Service

Orthodox Wedding Ceremony - and New-Year Service
ID: GD142
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Voices

As a continuation of GEGA NEW's idea to present troparia and chants from the Passion Week common in the practice of East-Orthodox community, Miroslav Popsavov has selected in this programme some of the most typical for the New-Year service chants related to the wedding ceremony. The psalms glorifying God and Jesus Christ are arranged in the order required by the canons. Most of the melodies, of ancient origin, have been arranged by Russian and Bulgarian composers. The most popular among them are Mnogoletie (For Many Years) and Dostoino est (Meet It Is), which have also become concerto pieces in the repertoire of the Slavic male choirs. The CD is of interest for everybody who would want to look into the world of Orthodox music, the ancient roots of which are in the Byzantine chant and service. Later on, in Church-Slavonic singing there were not only transferred canons, troparia and various jubilation modulae, but new chants were also created on the basis of Bolgarskii rospev and the so called znamenii chant, elements of which are present in some of the works included in this release.
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Sofia Priest Choir - Popov, Kiril - conductor

Sofia Priest Choir - Popov, Kiril - conductor
ID: GD118
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

The programme is part of the series of liturgical music released by Gega New and contains performances of the Sofia Priest Choir established in 1947. The choir has been conducted by prominent Bulgarian clergymen who were masters in the details of the Orthodox singing. For this CD, dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ, the choir's current conductor, Kiril Popov, musician, graduate of the Sofia Ecclesiastical Seminary, with a PhD Degree from the Moscow Ecclesiastical Seminary, has selected some famous psalms, as well as pieces by renowned composers of church chants. The richness of sound of the male voices, the hues of timbres and colours make a special impression in the tracks Praise the Lord from the Heavens, mode 5, by John Koukouzeles, a great historical figure in Bulgarian musical culture, and O Holy God, in which the singers show their mastership in the jubilant singing. The choir sings beautifully these complex compositions and the deeply emotional, elevated music. Cherubic Hymn, mode 5, Meet It Is, mode 5 by Ioan Ohridsky also deserve special attention. Among the other performances are In Thy Kingdom by Dobri Hristov, the remarkable author of Bulgarian religious music, as well as the masterpiece O God, Save Thy People by the Russian composer, Pavel Chesnokov. The last track in the CD is the traditional Bulgarian chant Grant, O Lord, Many Years - a message and greeting to all Christians.

Markov, Protodeacon S. (1, 4, 6, 12, 14, 17)
Archpriest B. Chakov (4, 8, 10)
Archpriest I. Mihov (1, 6)
Archpriest M. Minchev (5)
Archpriest A. Naidenov (6)

Interprets: Chakov B., Mihov I., Minchev M., Naidenov A., Popov, Sofia Priest Choir
Recorded in St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral June 1997/ Balance G. Nedyalkov, editing I. Litov
15.00 eur Buy

Alexander Grechanikov - Vespers Liturgy, Op. 59

Alexander Grechanikov - Vespers Liturgy, Op. 59
ID: GD158
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Liturgy

Gretschaninov: Vespers Liturgy, Op. 59

3 - Soloists: M. Vassileva - mezzosoprano
B. Spirov - tenor
S. Atanassov - bass
9 - Soloists: Y. Ilieva - alto
S. Atanassov - bass
I. Tsaneva - mezzo-soprano
B. Spirov - tenor
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock


ID: GD153
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Choral Collection
Subcollection: Choir

Among the numerous works of the great English composer Benjamin Britten the opuses associated with the English religious musical traditions from the Renaissance epoch deserve a special mention. Among them stands out Missa Brevis, performed by the Sofia Boys' Choir and the organist Atanas Atanassov with remarkable musicality and vivid portraying of each of the five movements of the Missa. To combine Britten with the Italian composer Pergolesi is an excellent idea of Adriana Blagoeva, the conductor, who has worked out in details and in a very good style the poly-movement composition Stabat Mater - a classical example in the genre. The solo parts performed by the famous opera singer Hristina Angelakova, mezzo-soprano, and the soprano Theodora Gabrovska are incorporated in the magnificent sounding of the children's choir. Pergolesi's music captivates with its melody, harmonic symmetry, contrasting character and mastership in interlacing the motifs in a polyphonic construction, all that sung in excellent sonority
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock


ID: GD143
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Choral Collection
Subcollection: Choir

In its third CD the Sofia Boys' Choir presents sacred music for choir and organ by Mozart, Gounod and Zelioli. With the musicianship already known to the fans of the choir, the boys sing the Masses by Gounod and Zelioli, an Italian composer and organ player from the first half of the 20th century. The international choral competition in Lecco is established in his name and the First Prize of this competition was awarded to the Sofia Boys' Choir. Zelioli's mass Laudate Dominum omnes gentes, as well as Messa facile et melodica are sung by the choir with exquisiteness of sound and crystal-clear voices, both qualities required by this style of music. The conductor, Adriana Blagoeva has not only fathomed the musical essence of the West-European ecclesiastic singing, but she has added liveliness and expressiveness to the pieces, revealing to the listener the deep meaning of the religious texts. Thus, everyone who hears the pieces included in this CD will feel not only the satisfaction from their musical perfection,
15.00 eur Buy

JOSEPH HAYDN - Die sieben letzten - Worte unsers - erlosers am Kreuze - ANIMATO Mixed Choir

JOSEPH HAYDN - Die sieben letzten - Worte unsers - erlosers am Kreuze - ANIMATO Mixed Choir
ID: GD128
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

Recorded live in Bulgaria Concert Hall, Sofia, April 14, 1998

The CD offers to cult-music lovers a gem from the work of Joseph HAYDN, popular mainly for his symphonies, concertos and two oratorios. The great Austrian has been connected with sacred music since childhood as choir-member and soloist of the famous boys' choir of the St. Stephen Cathedral in Vienna in the course of ten years. Among his numerous religious compositions was the orchestral work, commissioned for the consecration of the church in Cadiz, Spain, and later revised into a vocal-instrumental opus for soloists, choir and orchestra. It is for this reason that its separate parts bear purely instrumental names, "Sonata". Each of them begins with the Saviour's words on the cross. The work ends with the brief yet shattering Terremoto, depicting the earthquake after Christ's death. The recording was made under the baton of French conductor Guy CONDETTE, Music Director of the Limoges Opera Theatre and Philharmonic who has toured with most famous French, German, Austrian, Italian, Spanish, etc. orchestras and opera theatres.
15.00 eur Buy

ROBERT SCHUMANN - Gesänge für Frauenstimmen

ROBERT SCHUMANN - Gesänge für Frauenstimmen
ID: GD144
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Choral Collection
Subcollection: Choir

Almost all songs included in this release were composed in the forties of the 19th century, a time of elation for Schumann, who had finally found real happiness in life. His lyrical songs are an expression of his innermost feelings of joy, sorrow, delight and inspirations connected with the poetry of his beloved Moerike, Ruekert, Eichendorff, Elisabeth Kulmann and other German poets who have been a source of inspiration for many composers of romantic music. Selected with much precision, the lyrical songs reveal Schumann's talent in shaping the small, always exquisitely woven musical form, his musical gift to create images, metaphors, characters, and natural scenery. The interpretation of singers and choir-masters alike is magnificent with its sincere emotion, subtle nuances of sound and colour, keen feeling for ensemble and perfect intonation.
15.00 eur Buy

Nicola Ghiuselev - Orthodox Chants

Nicola Ghiuselev - Orthodox Chants
ID: GD201
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Sacred Music
Subcollection: Choir

The CD furthers the development of one of the main repertoire trends in the production of Gega New, liturgical music performed by Bulgarian singers and ensembles. At the same time, this is the company's third release of the world-famous Bulgarian opera singer Nicola Ghiuselev. The interpretation of East-Orthodox chants is a sphere which no other Bulgarian singer has dared to approach after the death of Boris Christoff, the great bass. Ghiuselev's success is all the more significant, if we take into consideration the fact that alongside his attitude and musical skills he also demonstrates a deep penetration into the musical and poetic text of the chants. By achieving the sound specific for the genre and giving up the bel canto vocal characteristics Ghiuselev raises up his prayers and glorifies God with all the appropriate reservedness and beauty of the musical line. All chants are by Bulgarian and Russian composers, known for both their church and secular music. Melodic and beautifully harmonized, they render the atmosphere of pious and peaceful resignation. Ghiuselev's bass is in perfect harmony with the resounding sonority of the Sofia Orthodox Choir.

Chesnokov: The Mystical Sacrifice; God with Us; Deliver, o God Thy People
Dinev Peter: The Judicious Villain
Grechaninov: Litani of Fervet Supplication; The Creed
Hristov: Praise Ye The Name of The Lord
Lyubimov: Blessed is The Man
Nikolaev-Stroumsky: Great Doxology
Strokine: Now Lettest Thou Depart
Zinoviev: We Hymn Thee, We Bless Thee

Interprets: Ghiuselev, Popsavov, Sofia Orthodox Choir
(1, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12 - arranged by M. Popsavov)
Ghiuselev, Nicola - bass
Sofia Orthodox Choir
Popsavov, Miroslav - artistic director and conductor
Recording: November 1996, St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock


ID: GD199
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Choral Collection
Subcollection: Choir

Sofia Madrigal Choir conducted by Prof. Stoyan Kralev has been present in Bulgaria's musical life for more than a quarter of a century now. Together with Orchestral Ensemble in 1997 they made an exquisite recording of two famous works by Antonio Vivaldi, the master of polyphony and Baroque style. "Beatus vir" is a vocal-instrumental work on religious texts, set in expressive music possessing the elevation and balance of spiritual words and turned into fine melodies, which have been modelled by the Maestro's hand of genius. "Gloria" was also created on a Latin cult text and is a work enjoying great popularity in our days. A complex, multi-part composition in which Madrigal demonstrates vocal and stylistic mastery, superb sounding, and excellent command of Baroque technique of performance with its rich ornamentation and reserve.

Recorded in Bulgaria Concert Hall, Sofia, 1996

Soloists: Nikolina Pankova (soprano), Plamena Zlateva (soprano), Marcho Apostolov (tenor), Yolanta Tzaneva (mezzo-soprano), Spiro Petkov (oboe), Yordan Kojouharov (trumpet), Bogomil Karakonov (cello), Stefan Vrachev (organ)
Sofia Madrigal Choir, Orchestral Ensemble
Stoyan Karalev, conductor
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Bulgarian National Radio Children`s Choir - Nedyalkov, Hristo

Bulgarian National Radio Children`s Choir - Nedyalkov, Hristo
ID: GD220
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Choral Collection
Subcollection: Choir

The CD of the world famous Bulgarian National Radio Children's Choir, conducted by Hristo Nedyalkov, is dedicated to the choir's 40th anniversary. It includes 16 of the best performances of this ensemble with a huge repertoire worthy of respect. During the past 40 years many Bulgarian and foreign composers have created hundreds of songs for it. The choir became a vital part of the Bulgarian culture, as well as a focal point for children's musical education. Wide audiences have had the chance to enter the world of art under the guidance of these sincere and spontaneous messengers.
The qualities of the Radio Choir have always been emphasized, in every place where it toured. Its visits to Japan for example are 14 and it has given about 350 concerts in 150 towns! Such figures inspire respect and give an idea about the interest and the value of the art of the Bulgarian National Radio Children's Choir and its founder and conductor Hristo Nedyalkov, an exceptional personality in Bulgarian musical life.
This CD gives an idea about the varied talents and the choir's high artistic achievements. It contains pearls both from the Bulgarian and the world choral legacy, like Schubert's Serenade and Tchaikovsky's Little Nightingale, some virtuoso songs by Georgi Kostov, Alexander Tekeliev, the humorous compositions by Nikolai Kaufmann and the poetic impression Winter Song by Hristo Nedyalkov. Children from the choir perform the solo parts. The works are arranged with taste along with the desire to present the performing abilities of the ensemble from all sides.

Interprets: Bulgarian National Radio Children`s Choir, Nedyalkov
Ognyanova, Milena ( 2, 4, 12 )
Koleva, Stiliana ( 6 )
Ilkova, Mariana ( 6 )
Peeva, Milena ( 6 )
Vajarov, Stanislava ( 7 )
Vateva, Anna ( 9 )
Petrova, Petia ( 14 )
Mekki, Blagovesta ( 14 )
Accompanied by:
Vaglenova, Iva - piano (5, 11)
Ivanova, Detelina - piano (13, 15)
Pavlova, Milena - piano (9)
Dimitrova, Theodora - organ (2, 7)
Bulgarian National Radio Light Music Orchestra (1)
15.00 eur Buy
Client: not signed in

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