ID: GD149 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Chamber MusicPodkolekce: Chamber Ensemble Lazar Nikolov (b. 1922) has included in this CD three works created in the 1990-1992 period, performed at the New Bulgarian Music review and in concert. His music has been marked as avant-guard and referred to the latest trends of 20th century compositional output. In his latest works the composer synthesises devices and techniques of serial, atonal and aleatoric music. The use of Bulgarian metres and modes has always lent a specific, national character to his art which has become a model of innovative thinking. Of particular originality is the composition Metamorphoses No. 4 for 12 violoncellos, dedicated to Prof. Zdravko Yordanov. This is yet another proof of Nikolov's ability to work with timbres, to discover sonorities and new performer's techniques. |
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock |
ID: GD160 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Chamber MusicPodkolekce: Chamber Ensemble Simeon Pironkov ranks among the most famous Bulgarian composers from the second half of the 20th century. His works in various genres are performed both at home and at prestigious musical festivals for contemporary music in Berlin, Warsaw, Zagreb, Budapest, etc. He is the author of compositions commissioned by full orchestras, chamber ensembles and solo performers. Pironkov's style is characterised by exquisitely coloured melody, flexibility of metre and rhythm influenced by the Bulgarian folk music, delicacy of orchestration and emotional variety, being the result of the sensitivity and richness of his inner world. The works selected for this release represent the evolution of the composer's style. Requiem for an Unknown Young Man is a landmark work in his creative biography, extensively performed by the Sofia Soloists Chamber Ensemble. The solo cello sonata Entrata e capriccio is an original virtuoso improvisation with an excellent form, and the music of String Quartet No. 3 (premiered in 1986 in Berlin) is reserved, now tender, now melancholic, cut through by metro-rhythmical and melancholic accents. Most characteristic is Kammersinfonie for 11 soloists, composed in the USA, an expression of maturity and creative imagination.
Performed by: String Quartet: N. Jeleva (violin), N. Gagov (violin), O. Stanchev (viola), K. Bespalov (cello) [1] - [3]; Sofia Soloists Chamber Ensembleconductor Plamen Djouroff [4]; Anatoli Krastev (cello) [5] - [6]; conductor Simeon Pironkov - junior [7] - [11] |
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock |
ID: GD156 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Cello CollectionPodkolekce: Cello An interesting CD, which has brought together a popular piece like Saint-Saens' Cello Concerto and two other 20th century works for this instrument, united by the wonderful performance of Robin Clavreul who is not only an excellent performer but also a musician featuring good taste, love and feeling for the characteristics of each of the works. His interpretation of every work is remarkable for its lyricism and expression, virtuosity, humour and temperament. Most impressing are the timbre inventions and the brilliance of metre and rhythm in Milhaud's Concerto in particular. Owner of a superb instrument made in 1768 by Lorenzo Carcassi in Florence, the cellist demonstrates a wealth of sounds which can rarely be heard today. Both the conductor, Fabrice Bollon, also from Paris, and the soloist are markedly attracted by new music and lead the Orchestral Ensemble through the world of Honegger and Milhaud. |
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock |
ID: GD194 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Chamber MusicPodkolekce: Film Music Film music from the films: 'The Frontier", "History of Fear", Gori, Gori, Oganche", "Dream
Beyond the Frontiers is the title of the CD with music by Theodosii Spassov, a phenomenon in Bulgarian art of performing, who does not fit in the traditional concept of a kaval-player and musician. In fact he was the first to have "transferred" the kaval from folk to classical music and jazz, turning it into an instrument capable of expressing a broad range of feelings, moods and images. The CD features film music composed and in most of the recordings performed by Theodosii Spassov, the capacities of whose kaval are indeed beyond the frontier. The pleasure of experiencing Spassov's art is immense for both amateurs and professionals. The latter will appreciate the unique synthesis of thematic structure, form, invention, folklore, image and sound.
Performed by: Theodosii Spassov (kaval, wooden pipe, vocal), Simfonieta Orchestra, Female Folk Choir, conductor Vanya Moneva, Zornitsa Ensemble, Ilia Iliev (clarinet), Vocal and instrumental group, Tsvetanka Varimezova (vocal), Jazz Trio: Roumen Toskov (piano), Georgi Donchev (bas), Hristo Yotsov (percussion); Boris Dinev (tupan, bells), Galina Durmushliyska (vocal), unknown monk (clapper) |
15.00 eur Buy |
ID: GD111 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: InstrumentalPodkolekce: Klavír Vesselin Stanev (b. 1964) is a pianist who attracts the attention of the audience with his exceptional dedication to music and variety of performance of each work. Unlike many other musicians, he is equally expert in playing pre-classical and romantic pieces. He always leaves a mark of his individuality when interpreting the different compositions he plays. Familiar piano pieces played by Vesselin Stanev have a totally different sounding and make an impression of something new. An example of this is his interpretation of Chopin's two ballads, the Scherzo, and Polonaise included in this release. The pianist's incredible technique is the key, which lets him into the sphere of great music. It is also a prerequisite for his complete freedom of expression and imagination. Having no technical problems with the instrument, he achieves a higher level of intellectual apprehension of the music material and this results in the creation of compositions, characterized by real co-authorship between composer and performer. |
15.00 eur Buy |
ID: GD127 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Podkolekce: Clarinet Svilen Simeonov graduated from the Pancho Vladigerov State Academy of Music in Sofia, majoring in clarinet with Prof. Sava Dimitrov, and from the Academy of Music and Dances, Plovdiv, where he majored in symphony conducting with Prof. Emil Yanev. He specialised in conducting at the Vienna Conservatoire with maestro Salvatore Mas Conde, as well as with Kirk Trevor, Music Director of Knoxville Symphony Orchestra, USA, Tsung Yen, Principal Conductor of Hong Kong Sinfonietta and Mariusz Smolij, Music Director of Riverside Symphony, New Jersey. Mr. Simeonov has toured a number of countries throughout Europe, Asia and Latin America. He is the founder and conductor of the Amadeus Orchestra. This recording of the orchestra was conducted by Choi Yong-Ho, who graduated from the Seoul University College of Music, majoring in clarinet, and from Dankuk University, majoring in orchestra conducting. Later he specialised under Maestro Mario Gusella and Donato Renzetti at Accademia Musicale Pescarese. He has conducted orchest |
15.00 eur Buy |
ID: GD143 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Choral CollectionPodkolekce: Choir In its third CD the Sofia Boys' Choir presents sacred music for choir and organ by Mozart, Gounod and Zelioli. With the musicianship already known to the fans of the choir, the boys sing the Masses by Gounod and Zelioli, an Italian composer and organ player from the first half of the 20th century. The international choral competition in Lecco is established in his name and the First Prize of this competition was awarded to the Sofia Boys' Choir. Zelioli's mass Laudate Dominum omnes gentes, as well as Messa facile et melodica are sung by the choir with exquisiteness of sound and crystal-clear voices, both qualities required by this style of music. The conductor, Adriana Blagoeva has not only fathomed the musical essence of the West-European ecclesiastic singing, but she has added liveliness and expressiveness to the pieces, revealing to the listener the deep meaning of the religious texts. Thus, everyone who hears the pieces included in this CD will feel not only the satisfaction from their musical perfection, |
15.00 eur Buy |
ID: GD144 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Choral CollectionPodkolekce: Choir Almost all songs included in this release were composed in the forties of the 19th century, a time of elation for Schumann, who had finally found real happiness in life. His lyrical songs are an expression of his innermost feelings of joy, sorrow, delight and inspirations connected with the poetry of his beloved Moerike, Ruekert, Eichendorff, Elisabeth Kulmann and other German poets who have been a source of inspiration for many composers of romantic music. Selected with much precision, the lyrical songs reveal Schumann's talent in shaping the small, always exquisitely woven musical form, his musical gift to create images, metaphors, characters, and natural scenery. The interpretation of singers and choir-masters alike is magnificent with its sincere emotion, subtle nuances of sound and colour, keen feeling for ensemble and perfect intonation. |
15.00 eur Buy |
ID: GD166 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Vocal CollectionPodkolekce: Voices and Orchestra This CD contains some of the few Bulgarian recordings of the celebrated opera singer. It is a combination of performances made at different times and with different orchestras. Kabaivanska has made a selection of crown performances in her artistic career. It is a fact well-known to opera-music fans that after Maria Callas she is considered to be the greatest interpreter of the part of Tosca, as well as those of Adriana Lecouvreur, Mimi from "La Boheme", Elisabeth from "Don Carlos". Thus the CD acquires the value of a retrospective registration of Kabaivanska's vocal style in a later stage of her artistic career. |
15.00 eur Temporarily out of stock |
ID: GD145 Disk: 1 Type: CD |
Kolekce: Chamber MusicPodkolekce: Chamber Ensemble The CD is a collection of 15 favourite miniatures. Selected and arranged by conductor and composer Jules Levy, some of them have been transcribed by him and are performed by various soloists. SIMHAH Chamber Collegium is a musical body with the Shalom Organisation of the Jews in Bulgaria and unites the talent of excellent musicians, each of whom is also capable of performing responsible solo parts. The Collegium features a rich and varied repertoire. Jules Levy is one of the most remarkable personalities in Bulgarian musical life in the last three decades, a conductor of long standing with the "Stefan Makedonski" State Musical Theatre, author of choral, symphony and opera works. |
15.00 eur Buy |