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Baroque, page 20

   Les titres retrouvé: 341

Arie e Canzone - Girolamo Frescobaldi - Ensemble Braccio, Nancy Mayer-Mezzo soprano

Arie e Canzone - Girolamo Frescobaldi - Ensemble Braccio, Nancy Mayer-Mezzo soprano
ID: ACDHD024-2
CDs: 1
Type: SACD

SACD Hybrid Disc (SACDH) = CD Digital Audio + Super Audio CD
Girolamo Frescobaldi’s chamber music has been somewhat neglected in favor of his more famous keyboard compositions. This recording presents a selection Frescobaldi’s music for small ensembles as it could have been heard in performance at, for example, an early 17th century salon.Perhaps the best known pieces on this disc are the canzonas for bass instrument and continuo, which are among the earliest published repertoire for solo bass instrument. Like the discant and the discant and bass canzonas, they show a composer exploring the new instrumental conventions of the early 17th century.
18.00 eur Buy

Bach, Handel, Telemann - Music of German Baroque - Lazar Gosman, conductor

Bach, Handel, Telemann - Music of German Baroque - Lazar Gosman, conductor
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Chamber Orchestra

18.00 eur Buy

Italian Master Pieces - La Barca Leyden - Platti - Vivaldi - Geminiani,Veracini - Corelli, Vivaldi

Italian Master Pieces - La Barca Leyden -  Platti - Vivaldi - Geminiani,Veracini - Corelli, Vivaldi
ID: ACDHN022-2
CDs: 1
Type: SACD
Subcollection: Organ

SACD Hybrid Disc (SACDH) = CD Digital Audio + Super Audio CD
18.00 eur Buy

Spaerens Vreuchden-Bron: Haarlem - City of Music in the Golden Age - Barocco Locco, Fritz Heller

Spaerens Vreuchden-Bron: Haarlem - City of Music in the Golden Age - Barocco Locco, Fritz Heller
ID: ACDHD031-2
CDs: 1
Type: SACD
Subcollection: Historical Instruments

The glorious epithet ‘Golden Age’, describing the seventeenth century in the Netherlands, and the Northern Netherlands in particular, says much about the preceding century too. For it was in the second half of that century that the gradual transition took place from the Renaissance to the early Baroque, and in many respects it was there that the roots of the ‘golden’ characteristics lay. The exuberance of the Baroque, however, was of relatively limited influence, since it hardly appealed to the sobriety of the increasingly Calvinist population. This was the background to the political and military stage of the Eighty Years’ War, which was to end with the signing of the Peace of Westphalia in Münster in 1648 and the formal independance of the Republic of the United Provinces. The discovery of new continents made a significant contribution to unprecedented economic growth. The Republic of the United Provinces became the indisputed economic centre of Europe, with trade links and possessions in no less than four continents and a merchant fleet that surpassed the combined fleets of England and France. In the ideological world, humanism, fired by the writings of Desiderius Erasmus, became a force to be reckoned with. In religious matters, the sixteenth century witnessed perhaps the greatest upheavals, with the emergence of Protestantism during the Reformation and the first effects of the Counter Reformation around 1560. If it were not for spectacular developments in the cultural world, to which the seventeenth century owed its honorary title, scholarship, literature, poetry, painting, engraving and music would not have attained such stupendous heights.
18.00 eur Buy

Music for the Coronation of James II, 1685

Music for the Coronation of James II, 1685
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Choir

With a stunning selection of choral music that is truly fit for a King, Andrew Gant leads the Choir of the Chapel Royal & The Musicians Extra-Ordinary to re-create the music that accompanied the coronation of James II and Queen Mary in 1685.

Includes work(s) by various composers. Ensembles: St. James's Palace Chapel Royal Choir, St. James's Palace Chapel Royal Musicians. Conductor: Andrew Gant.
18.00 eur Buy

G. F. Handel - Concerti Grossi, Opus 3 - Il Concerto Barocco

G. F. Handel - Concerti Grossi, Opus 3 - Il Concerto Barocco
ID: ACDHJ039-2
CDs: 1
Type: SACD
Subcollection: Chamber Ensemble

George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) was a practical composer. He believed in recycling: if he once wrote a rather good piece, he used it again elsewhere. Of the compositions entitled Concerti Grossi, Opus 3 (1734), only the first was originally conceived as a concerto grosso. The other five are compilations of movements written years before, with a few new movements added. Opus 3, therefore, could be described as an environmentally friendly compilation of 60% recycled and 40% new material. The publication contains a wonderful variety of texture and colour, and is full of contrasting emotions. The individual concertos feature different instrumentations - pairs of oboes, recorders, cellos, violins and bassoons all make an appearance, as well as solo violin, oboe, flute and organ.
18.00 eur Buy

Riko Fukuda, Fortepiano - F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy

Riko Fukuda,  Fortepiano - F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy
ID: ACDHJ032-2
CDs: 1
Type: SACD
Subcollection: Piano

Before his travels Mendelssohn had already started to compose the Fantasy in F sharp, which is also called Sonata écossaise (Scottish sonata), but only after the three years’ tour did he finish and publish it. The work is comprised of three parts and continues with the attacca as one big whole. After his three years’ journey Mendelssohn returned to the parental home in Berlin in June 1832. The following month he ordered a piano by Conrad Graf from Vienna. His specific wish was a grand piano with a compass of 6½ octaves. The development of the piano in the late 18th century up to the mid 19th century went very fast and its compass increased every time. The piano Felix mother and aunts knew in the days of their youths had a compass of but 5 octaves, the Broadwood grand at his parents’ had 6.
He was so pleased with the Graf that he ordered two more within a time span of three years; one for the city of Düsseldorf where he had become General Musical Director and one as a wedding present for his brother’s bride.
Although he also received a grand piano as a present from the Erard factory in 1832, his enthusiasm for this make is not registered until 1838. The 1832 instrument did not play easily and after he had sent it back to the factory in 1837 to have it modified, he unexpectedly got offered a new instrument. He described this instrument ‘so full and rich in tone’ and praised the Erard quoting Lord Byron, ‘There be none of Beauty’s daughters with a magic like Erard’s.’
18.00 eur Buy

La Tavola Cromatica - Chromatic & enharmonic music for viol of the time of Cardinal Francesco Barberini (Rome, c.1635)

La Tavola Cromatica - Chromatic & enharmonic music for viol of the time of Cardinal Francesco Barberini (Rome, c.1635)
ID: RK2302
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Voices

18.00 eur Buy

Dietrich Buxtehude - Membra Jesu Nostri

Dietrich Buxtehude - Membra Jesu Nostri
ID: COR16082
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Sacred Music

Buxtehude’s cantata cycle, Membra Jesu Nostri, is a unique work. Based on texts from a medieval Latin hymn, ‘Salve mundi salutare’, the cycle contains seven cantatas each dedicated to a different part of Christ’s crucified body. The texts are based on the concept of an observer contemplating Christ’s body on the cross starting with his feet and moving up to his knees, hands, side, breast, heart and finally his head. Buxtehude plays cleverly with musical colours and textures and changes the mixture of voices and instruments to dramatic effect as the work develops.

Recording information: St Jude's Church, Hampstead Garden Suburb, London, Engl (02/07/2000-02/09/2000)

Originally recorded for and released on Linn Records.
18.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

Giuseppe Torelli - Sinfonie a tre e Concerti a guattro - Giorgio Sasso

Giuseppe Torelli - Sinfonie a tre e Concerti a guattro - Giorgio Sasso
ID: STR11003
CDs: 1
Type: CD
Subcollection: Chamber Orchestra

18.00 eur Temporarily out of stock

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