World music CD DVD shop and Classic distribution
ID: MELCD1002411 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Subcollection: Cello |
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ID: ART356 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Collection: Accordion Recital Subcollection: BayanTranscription (6) and transcriptions (7-11) for the bayan - M. Burlakov
Recording made in the studio RAM them. Gnesinykh in 2016, sound director - Z. Belyaev |
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ID: ART258 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Subcollection: BayanSeries: Russian composers 21th century
Vyacheslav Nedosekin - compositions, electronics (I-IV), bayan (II)
Sergey Bogatyrenko - clarinet (II)
Vyacheslav Nedosekin was born in Noginsk (Moscow region). In 1996 he graduated from the Moscow Gnessins Academy of Music, where he had studied bayan under Iosif G.Puritz. In 1997-1998, with the support of the German DAAD foundation, he kept postgraduate working at the University of Music and Drama (Hanover) under professor Elsbeth Moser. Vyacheslav Nedosekin is a prize-winner of the International Accordion Competitions in Klingenthal (Germany, 1991 and 2001); he has also won awards at the International Competitions in Arrasate (Spain, 1993) and Moscow (1995). Since 1994 he has taught at the Moscow Schnittke State Institute of Music (associate professor since 2010). Vyacheslav Nedosekin has recorded four CDs: "Reflections" (2003), "Sounds" (2009), "Il toccare" (2011) and "Freed music" (2012). His selected works for bayan and different kind of chamber ensembles were published by the Moscow publishing centre "Muzyka" (Music). |
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ID: ART233 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Subcollection: Accordion1-11 - Vyacheslav Nedosekin, bayan (accordion)8 - Andrey Pypin, doublebass - balalaika 11 - Valeria Danilova, recorder, oboe |
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ID: ART186 CDs: 1 Type: CD |
Subcollection: Bayan1-12 - Vyacheslav Nedosekin, bayan5, 6 - Valeriya Danilova, oboe5, 6 - Maxim Makhonin, bassoon4, 5 - Sergei Arkhipov, flute4, 5 - Timur Kolodyazhny, cello |
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